Chapter 1: City in Peril

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"Behold, the Underminer! I am always beneath you, but nothing is beneath me!"




The sound of numerous black boots hit the pavement, running towards the danger. Stopping seeing the humongous drill in front of them.

"You three stay here." Bob told, the kids.

"Wait, should we be doing this? It is still illegal." Helen states as she holds Jack-Jack.

"We're going to lose him" Bob looked at his wife with an urgent face.

"Oh, all right." She knew they had no choice but to split up. "One of you control the perimeter, keep the crowd back and safe. The other watch after Jack-Jack." She instructed her sons. 

"But, I thought we were gonna..." Vinson's protest was cut short by his mother's stern look.

"You heard your mother," Bob said, his tone leaving no room for debate.

Both Bob and Helen, ran straight towards the drill.

"Trampoline me!" Bob yelled at Helen, who grab cars nearby turning her body into a trampoline. 

"I call perimeter." Dash yelled at the two teens, before running off.

"You're not going anywhere, you little maggoty creep!" Vinson yelled after his brother, trying to use force fields to stop him. But failing. 

(Y/n) spoke up as she held onto Jack-Jack's stroller, "Go check the perimeter," Vinson turned, looking at her in shock, "I can't leave you with Jack-Jack by yoursel"

"I can handle it. Go!" (Y/n) quickly hugged him to reassure him that she would be fine. Vinson kisses her forehead, before running off to help his family.

"Ok, Jack-Jack, let's be supers in our own way..." (Y/n) ran around to the parking lot, to make sure people were away from the battle. Noticing that the stroller was becoming an obstacle, she looked around to see if she could do something about it. Spotting a small, unattended stand with various cloth items nearby, she ran over to see what she could use.

(Y/n) found a large, sturdy scarf that seemed perfect for the job. She quickly grabbed it and hurried back to Jack-Jack. Kneeling down, she gently lifted the baby out of the stroller and wrapped the scarf around herself and Jack-Jack, securing him snugly against her chest. Running off, to help out the Parr family. 




The drill is speeding underground, Bob holding onto the stop. Struggling to avoid flying boulders.

"Come on!" He says, in frustration, suddenly he is hit by a large rock. The impact made him lose his grip and he flew off the drill, tumbling to the ground. Lifting his head, he spat rocks out his mouth.


The drill stopped in an open area that had dozens of holes. The Underminer rose out of the drill on his platform again.

"Consider yourself, Undermined!" He presses a bright red button, and numerous explosions cause several buildings to fall underground, including a bank. He opens the safe and turns on a giant vacuum. Sucking up the cash that was in the vault into the drill.

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