Chapter Two ~ Alfred

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"What are you doing?" Mathew, violet eyes and blonde hair, stands in my bedroom door frame, staring at me.

"Nothing. Why?" I look up from my book, and my twin brother stares back at me.

"Arthur needs you." Mathew begins to walks away.

Before he can get far though, I call out, "Wait!" I hope he waits this time.

Luckily, he stops and looks back at me expectantly. "Where is dad?" I put slight emphasis on 'dad'.

"Arthur is in his study." Mathew puts emphasis on 'Arthur', and it doesn't surprise me. We both have our favorite, and it's far from the same parent.

Mathew and I are twins, adopted by our two dads, Arthur and Francis. Francis is a pervert, so obviously I like Arthur better and call him dad. But Mathew insists that Arthur can't cook and doesn't love anyone. As if Mathew could or would understand.

Yeah, my relationship with my brother isn't the greatest. I guess it started when we were younger and it was decided that I was to take over most of the family business.

I don't know what he has to complain about though, all the training and classes I have to go through sucks. I have no freedom, tons of responsibilities, and all for what? Some job I'm not even remotely interested in? Yeah, no thanks. I would trade places with Mathew in a heart beat any day. Too bad I can't.

I sigh, and get up from my leather chair, set my book on my mahogany wood desk, and walk out of my large room into the equally large hallway. Exquisite rugs cover the floor, and expensive vases and paintings line the walls.

I don't bother gazing at anything though, I've passed these same things day after day for over fifteen long years. They are just background fillers now.

Navigating my way through our mansion to my dad's office I wonder what he wants from me.

Am I to go to another party? Did I do something wrong? Perhaps my grades are slipping? That's unlikely. Maybe he has another class I'm to attend.

Whatever it is, I'm sure it's nothing to look forward to, but also nothing to really worry about. That's just how my life is. I'm expected to be perfect, and that's exactly how I act. Not that I really want to, but it's also not like I have any choice in the matter.

I'll just have to go to the woods soon. That always seems to help. I've grown numb to everything, but every once in a great while I have a day to myself, and I grab a book and walk out to the clearing in the woods behind my house. It's a few miles away, but it's not too bad of a walk. Plus, no one can find me there, it's my own little world. The one place that I can be completely myself, and no one will judge me or tell me how to be. Visiting my clearing has helped me deal with this drab life.

I really don't have much to complain about, my family is very well to do, but it's just... How do I put it? I mean, like I already mentioned, ever since I was about ten, I've been put through multiple classes, meetings, lectures, and various events to prepare me. If I'm to be the heir to the family fortune, I must be ready for it.

This means no freedom. I can't think my own thoughts, do what I want, nothing. I must be the perfect little puppet for my family. God, I'm so jealous of Mathew. He doesn't have to go through any of this, and I hate him for it. I suppose it's not his fault, but I still can't help what I feel.

Nearing Arthur's office, I silence my rebellious thoughts and I knock on the door.

A shuffling sound and a mumbled, "Come in." is all I receive in reply. Walking in, Arthur's blond hair is a mess like always, and his thick eyebrows are furrowed over his emerald green eyes.

Glancing my direction for only a moment, he continues to stare at the papers in front of him and says, "Have a seat Alfred."

I oblidge, and wait silently for Arthur to tell me what he wants. He doesn't talk for many minutes, just keeps sorting through different papers. I wait patiently, I have nothing else to do.

He pauses his shuffling, and stares at me with out emotion. I stare back at him with the same blank face. "You and Mathew are going to client's party tonight." He holds out a paper to me. "These are the details." I grab the paper. "Be sure to keep Mathew in line."

"Understood." I don't review the paper, that can wait until I'm out of Arthur's office.

"You are dismissed." He waves me off with his left hand and starts to read some papers.

"Thank you." I swiftly stand up and exit the room. Now, where to find Mathew? I begin skimming the paper, mostly the same stuff as every time.

Times to leave, times to arrive, things to say, people to talk to, all of that. Seems easy enough, but I don't understand why I have to drag Mathew along. Whatever, if that's what dad wants, that's what will happen.

I decide my best bet to find him would be his room. I make my way there, and begin to memorize the piece of paper Arthur gave me.

Staring at the paper, I bump into someone, and I look up abruptly. "Oh sor-"

"Alfred! How are you my boy?" His normal blond, wavey hair, scruby chin, ugly clothes, stench of wine, and indigo eyes immediatly disgust me. But I hide my true feelings.

"Francis." I nod to him, and try to move around him to get to Mathew.

"Please, Alfred, call me Papa! How many times must I tell you?" He whines, and his shrill voice scratches against my ears. What did Arthur ever see in this guy?

"No." I wish to end this conversation, but he insists on keeping it going.

He huffs. "Fine. What are you up to?"

I keep myself from rolling my eyes. "Trying to find Mathew. If you will excuse me, it's important."

"Oh my precious Mathieu? He is in his room. I will let you get to your business though. Have a nice rest of the day my boy!" And with that, he waves goodbye, leaving me wanting to gag.

But I refrain, and continue on my way to Mathew's room. Upon rereaching it,I don't bother to knock, I just walk in.

Mathew sits on the floor at the end of his bed, talking to his stuffed Polar bear, Kumajiro, and when he hears me come in his eyes quickly dart up and a look of shock crosses his face.


"Obviously. Dad said you are to go to a party with me tonight." I walk over to him. "Memorize this, and wear something nice." I hand him the paper, and once he takes it I turn to leave the room.

"Arthur is letting me go?" He almost sounds excited, and I can't help but feel annoyed.

Rolling my eyes, I turn to him. "Oh yes, it's so great isn't it? Just wait, you'll get what's coming to you and it won't be pretty." I'm not really sure why I'm saying any if this, but it feels good to get something off my chest.

"What did I ever do to you?" Mathew goes on the defensive, and I really can't think of anything to retort with.

I just turn around again and call over my shoulder, leaving his room, "What ever."

I don't know what has gotten into me, but I decide to slam the door behind me for the hell of it.

I stalk to my room, and for some reason, I can't seem to shake this feeling from my mind. I've never felt so... Annoyed and frustrated before. Am I upset that Mathew is allowed to come to the party? Am I worried that he will make a mistake? Do I really just not want to go? But what can I do about it?

I don't know. All I do know is tonight is going to suck. And I can't do anything about it.

Sorry it was a while before I updated x3 I didn't have any motivation to write for once. But I like this chapter. And sorry it's a little..... Depressing? Sure let's go with that word. It's late and I am bored so this is the result. Thanks for reading, let me know what you think, and sweet dreams!

Francis = France
Arthur = England
Mathew = Canada
Alfred = America

Happy birthday Alfred ;3

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