Chapter One ~ Ivan

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"Big brother! Brother, where are you?" I hear my younger sister's high voice calling to me from the house.

I bring the axe above my head down harshly onto the log, splitting it in half. "I'm in the back." Is what I reply before grabbing another log.

Wiping my arm across my sweaty forehead, I raise the axe again, thrusting it down onto the wood. Out of the corner of my eyes, I see Natalia's platnium blonde hair sway out of the back door to our small, log house. Well, I suppose shack is a bit more appropriate. But it's still home.

"Big brother, Irena said dinner is ready, and you are to come eat. Now!" Natalia stomps her foot on the ground before me, throwing her hands on her hips and pouting. Her bangs fall into her face, her bow not doing much to keep them up. I'll have to cut her hair again soon.

"Alright, alright," I sigh and lean the axe against the big log I use to chop wood. "I'm coming, no need to get fussy."

I laugh, and ruffle the hair on her head. She pushes my hand away, and instead grabs my waist, following me into the house.

Shaking my head at her, I walk into the house where the tantalizing scent of stewed potatoes and rabbit meat causes my mouth to water.

"Is that rabbit I smell?" I know it is, but we haven't had meat in a while.

"Oh yes big brother! I forgot to tell you, sister and I were finally able to catch prey with our traps!" She smiles up at me sweetly, and I just melt inside.

I adore my two sisters. Natalia, only thirteen and still adorable, tends to give off a very hostile aura. She looks innocent, but is actually very deadly. There have been many times I have caught her hiding a knife under her shaggy, dark blue dress. I've noticed she also spaces out a lot, staring at the most random things for such long times. Also, Natalia shares the same varying shaded blonde hair as Irena and I, and has very dark blue eyes.

Irena, on the other hand, is my older sister. Being nineteen, she is like the mother of the family. She has a big heart, and is always trying to make new friends on our rare trips into town, but that big heart of hers causes her to be a bit vulnerable. I know from expirence that she can stand her ground when needed, but for the most part she just will cry things off. Also, Irena has teal eyes and short straw blond hair that she attemps to control with a cloth headband. She has very large breasts as well, but she doesn't like people pointing them out.

I'm Ivan, age fifteen, and I have ash blonde hair and violet eyes. We all have blond hair and blue-ish eyes, which I can only assume we get from one of our dead parents. I'm tall, taller then both my sisters, and I have a tan scarf that Irena gave to me when we were much younger, that I wear when its cold. Otherwise I wear bandages on my ugly neck. I really don't know what else to say about my self, I'm strong, but that's because I need to be for my sisters' sakes. I guess you could say I'm a little on the quiet side as well, and I seem to scare a lot of peoe. Irena claims it's because of my height.

We really are quite the trio, living and fending for our own almost all our lives. When I was about five, my parents went out one day for a hunt, and never returned. Irena, Natalia, and I assume they were attacked and killed by a wild animal. We don't really talk about it, but none of us really remeber much of it anyways. We were so young. But that has just made us strong, and we've bonded so closely. I don't regret anything that has happened to us, I'm happy just the way I am.

Sitting down at our small table, Irena sets a plate of potatoes and meat in front of me as Natalia sits down in her usual spot. Irena takes her own place, and we all begin eating silently.

It's almost always quiet when we eat. But I suppose I'm used to it, we all are. This is our time of peace, a few minutes of no responsibilities, no chores, no hardships, and nothing wrong.

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