Chapter fault

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Wattpad finally let me post this chapter!.
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I slowly opened my eyes as the sun pierced through the room, I turned my head slowly and Coral wasn't beside me, I think it's time to apologize to Aunt Jane, I sighed and sat up scratching my cheeks as I headed to the bathroom.

I felt weak and hungry as I brushed my teeth, the pain in my belly worsened, this didn't seem like hunger anymore, I rushed to the calendar in my room only to find my period still 3 days away.

I got dressed up in a casual short and big top, I headed to the living room and everyone was having breakfast, I walked to the table, "Good morning auntie," I said before joining the table, my food was covered and neatly arranged.

Coral was typing away on her phone like a lunatic and I sighed, "I'm very sorry auntie," I apologized but she just smiled, "no problem Faye, I'm actually happy you have decided to go out and have a little bit of fun, just don't come home late next time," aunt Jane said and Coral winked at me before looking back at her phone.

Maybe this is the place that will become my home, but no chance of it yet, I dug into my breakfast and Coral convinced me in following her to the mall to get some things.

On our way back, we bumped Into Nathan, he looked refreshed and cool, "hey Nath!" Coral exclaimed and Nathan glanced at me before looking back at Coral, "did you sleep well?" He asked her and the pain in my belly worsened.

I held my tommy tight and tried to hold it in,but just like deja Vu, I lost consciousness almost immediately and passed out, the last thing I heard was Coral screaming my name.
I opened my eyes and Nathan was staring into my eyes, I was back home, "what's going on?" I asked my eyes darting all around the room as he just gave me a blank stare.

Coral was nowhere to be found, it was just us, "you passed out and..." Nathan began to say but stopped and stared at me, I met his gaze and he looked away staring down at his feet.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I just nodded, "you look exhausted.... Do you feel...." He said trying to touch my forehead and I adjusted back trying to avoid his touch, he stared at me with suprise and I looked away.

"Do I make you feel uncomfortable?" He asked and I felt so bad that he didn't know I avoided his touch so I wouldn't lose my mind, "no....I just...," "it's fine... I understand... It's always being like that and...," he continued talking and I was lost in his eyes.

"Faye!" I heard Coral's voice approaching and I suddenly felt a demonic urge to do something crazy, i could hear her footsteps getting more visible, I landed a kiss on Nathan lips just as she was about to enter.

Coral barged into the room and stared in suprise, Nathan forcefully pushed me away and glared at me before running out like a frightened kid, I wore a smile and Coral's eyes clouded with tears.

"How could you do this to me?...uh! We took you in, fed you and gave you a roof over your head and this is how you pay me back? You are so ungrateful" Coral yelled and rushed to me hitting me on my chest continuously, "get a grip on your self Coral! Stop being a Kid and face it, you don't own me!" I yelled not believing my own words.

I held her wrist and pushed her away making her fall on the bed, "Slay💅that was intense," I heard Nancy say with a demonic laugh as I ran out of the house, I headed to nowhere In particular and kept walking.
Back at home.
The cloud turned grey and rain started to drizzle, aunt Jane fetched an umbrella getting all worried about Faye.

"She just ran out mom, I don't know where she went, she's just getting us restless, she's probably going to come back," Nancy said and Kate didn't seem to agree with the fact.

"Let's go find her together, it was all my fault," Coral said taking an umbrella, "I'll join in," Kate joined in picking up an umbrella.

"Y'all have gone crazy over her, I'll just stay home and wait," Kate said and sat on the couch.
The rain drops was harsh on me, I got all drenched and cold, I shivered  and turned to go back home when I spotted a figure running towards me from afar, I recognized him and it was Nathan.

"What are you doing here?" Nathan questioned wrapping his hoodie around me, "I'm sorry Nathan... I'm really sorry...i didn't mean..." I tried to say but he just stared, He moved closer to me, closing the distance between us, his nose was touching mine, I could feel his breath against my own, he held me by my waist and kissed me.
Just like I promised!

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