Chapter 4........(✿◠‿◠)n̶o̶t̶ a̶g̶a̶i̶n̶!

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Shout out to my top fans!!! Yay!!!

Top 1: ⚜️🎉 @Aria
Top 2: 🎀 @Soliaalex
Top 3: 🌼 OberonFalk
Top 4: 🤝 TeKuReadz
Top 5: 🤜🤛 Blackhajjabi

Please note that the top fans would be announced from the beginning of every chapter. Love you!


"I'm really disappointed in myself! Damn it!"


POV (Faye),

"Coral... I can explain," I said, feeling the weight of her accusing gaze.

My inner dialogue: (🌙saint & 💩crap)•°=°•

🌙: I messed up, didn't I? Sneaking around behind her back was a mistake.

💩: But honestly, it's not that big of a deal. He's not even her boyfriend.

🌙: And who said I have a crush on him? I just went to return his umbrella, that's all.

💩: She doesn't have the right to judge or get mad at you.

🌙: But she liked him first!

💩: True, but it doesn't seem like she's making any progress with him. And who wouldn't be interested in a guy like that?

🌙: The point is... I'm not crushing on Zebra prints.

💩: Then why did you lie about not meeting him or about the umbrella? Why sneak around? Why ask for his number? Why tell him you live next door?

🌙: Ugh, I don't know! Just leave me alone!

"Faye!! You have some explaining to do! After I told you I like this guy, you went behind my back and went to his apartment?! You betrayed my trust! A good friend wouldn't do that! And I knew you liked him with all the talking about him!" Coral's voice rose with each word, her eyes drilling into me.

"Hey, I just went to return the umbrella he lent me!" I said, attempting to diffuse the situation, but she wasn't having it.

"Oh really? Then why did you tell me you barely met him? Why not tell me the whole story? How did you even end up with his umbrella?" Coral's skepticism was palpable, and I knew I couldn't keep up the facade much longer.

"I saw him going into his apartment, and his umbrella fell. So, I went to return it," I fibbed, but Coral wasn't buying it.

"No one is that clueless! You expect me to believe you just happened to stumble upon his umbrella? And why did you say he lent it to you? Nathan wouldn't lend his stuff to anyone, especially not a stranger like you. So, spill the truth or else..."

💩: "Or else what?! What are you gonna do? You can't force me to spill it. And so what if I do like him? Can't I like someone too? You're acting bossy, and I don't appreciate it. I'm gonna explode!"

I argued silently, but outwardly, I knew it was time to come clean.

"I'm sorry... He gave it to me earlier when I was caught in the rain. I lied, and I'm sorry... I never meant to hurt you," I confessed, bracing myself for her reaction.

This was classic Coral, always on the edge, and I had to tread carefully to avoid triggering her emotions.


Thirteen years ago...

"Coral, please! Open the door!" I pleaded, knocking until my knuckles were raw.

"You said you hate me!" Coral's muffled voice came from inside, accompanied by the hiss of gas.

"No, Coral, it was a joke! We're friends, remember?" Tears streamed down my face as panic surged through me.

With trembling hands, I dialed 911. "Hello, 911?" "Yes, Toronto emergency center. What's your emergency?" a calm voice responded.

"Help us, please!" I begged repeatedly.

"Take a breath and calm down. Tell me what's happening," the dispatcher instructed, and I complied through choked sobs.

"It's my cousin. She's trying to harm herself!" I gasped out, desperation thick in my voice.

"What?! Okay, there are two options. Either leave the building now! My team will be there in two minutes, or stay put," the dispatcher directed, but I couldn't leave Coral alone.

"I can't leave her!" I cried, sinking to the ground in despair.

"Evacuate immediately!" The urgent command echoed from the speaker, and sirens blared as I heard the click of a lighter.

Paralyzed by fear, I lay there, wondering if this would be the end...

(Flashbacks like these were best left in the past and would be revisited when the time was right.)


But for now, I needed to keep things calm, to prevent Coral from spiraling into chaos once more.

"I understand... Promise me you won't get involved with Nathan," Coral said, extending her hand for a pinky promise.

As I looked at her outstretched hand and met her gaze, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. Nathan was just a guy I met yesterday, so why did the thought of cutting ties with him unsettle me? What was this strange pull I felt towards him? Was it... love? ❤️

As I pondered, lost in thought, memories of his face and the way he ran in the rain flooded my mind. It couldn't be love... could it?


"Do you wear cologne?" Nathan asked, causing me to blush and fidget nervously.

"Yes, I do. It's called 'Cute and Fresh,' just like me. Why do you ask?" I replied, hoping for a compliment.

"It smells terrible," Nathan bluntly stated, leaving me speechless as he walked away, leaving me standing there, stunned.

Love y'all! If you're interested in a writing contest, check out the link on my message board. Love y'all ❤️, once again. More love from joycepen 😘...

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