Chapter 12..... is this your bra?

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"And then one random night when everything changes, you won't reply, and we'll go back to strangers..."

Thanks for the wait☺️🌷😇🥰❤️👀[I'm trying to make the last 8 chapters memorable]

I slumped on the couch in the living room and thought about everything that had happened. Maybe I was being a burden to him? So, I made up my mind.

I came to New York to spend the holidays and be happy, not to be a burden to everyone.

I sat up and strolled to my room. My phone beeped, and it was a text message from Christian, "Wanna catch up for some drinks later?" That felt strange, but I needed somewhere to pour my heart out.

I got dressed, then changed my mind. "Sorry, Christian, I want to be alone right now," I sent this back and switched off my phone. What was left to do was nothing, so I dozed off.

4:00 PM
10:00 PM
12:00 PM
4:00 AM
10:00 AM
12:00 AM
3:00 AM
[2 days]
I was woken up by the loud banging on the door, and I managed to open my eyes slightly. I felt too weak to move, and I just laid there, hoping someone would pull me up.

I summoned all the courage in me and went to open the door. "Faye!" Aunt Jane screamed, hugging me tightly.

"What's wrong?" I asked, holding my belly tightly. "What do you mean? You literally slept for 2 fucking days," Aunt Jane said, and we both sighed, trying to maintain my posture by resting on the door and holding the doorknob for support.

Finally seeing Aunt Jane up close seemed awkward and nice. I never really cared to take a close look at her. She had short, curly hair, freckles just like mine, a round face, and round cheeks that looked like buns.

Her white skin reminded me of my mom, glowing in her apron. Aunt Jane looked more like my mom this morning, and her friendly appearance with her apron on made me want to hug her.

"Mom..." I murmured and hugged her tightly. The warmth, I wanted to feel it again. I buried my face in her chest and cried my heart out.

"It's fine, honey, you can always cry on my shoulders, not my chest," Aunt Jane said, and we both burst out laughing. "Alright," I said, not letting go of her.

We ate breakfast in silence, and Nancy seemed to be more relaxed and reserved this morning. She just ate, and this time, with a smile. She wasn't giving me the usual side-eye like she always did whenever we ate together, and that gladdened my heart.

Coral seemed angry, and I really wanted to make up with her and make my last days in New York memorable.

"I have something to say to you," "Me too," Coral cut me off as we cleared the table after breakfast. The kids were in their room, and Aunt Jane wasn't in. It was just us, Coral and I.

"You go first," I said, and she smirked. "No, you go first," Coral said, and I cleared my throat and stared into her eyes.

"I just want to tell you that... You can have Nathan. I don't like him, and I broke off ties with him. I promise to stay away from him, and I'm rooting for both of you. I just hope we can be close sisters and friends again," I said, finally letting go of the burden on my chest.

The expression on Coral's face was the expression I expected, struggling between happiness, surprise, doubt, and guilt. I couldn't figure out which one.

"Really?" Coral said, obviously trying to confirm if she heard right. "Yes, and what did you want to say to me?" I asked, and Coral looked away. "Nevermind, I was just kidding," Coral said, and I didn't want to argue further, even though I knew she was lying.

I made up my mind at that moment, to erase Nathan from my life.
I strolled down the street in my big trousers and oversized hoodie, my earphones on, and the street seemed busier than usual. I got a cup of iced Americano and sipped it on my way back home.

Staring ahead, I sighted Nathan from a distance, walking with a group of boys and girls. I ran into an open store, hiding from him, and hid there until he went away.

I placed my hand on my chest, and my heart was pounding repeatedly. Why did I hide? I did nothing wrong. "Ma'am? What type of underwear do you want?" A woman in her 40s asked, and I realized I had gone into an underwear store.

I can't just go out; it would seem weird. "Okay, I'll just take this one," I said, pointing at something I didn't even look at, and it turned out to be an oversized bra. "So sorry, I meant that one," I corrected myself, pointing at a pink bra, which seemed bigger than my size, but I got it anyway.

I bit my lips as I walked out of the underwear store, covering my face. I headed to a bookstore to get a textbook for Kate before finally heading home.

On my way back, I walked aimlessly, and then the bra fell out of the plastic bag it was wrapped in. I turned to see if anyone saw it, and to my surprise, a guy picked it up. He looked at me, and it turned out to be Nathan. He definitely didn't recognize me since it was a little bit dark, and I felt lucky at that moment and instantly thanked my ancestors for not putting me to shame.

"Excuse me, miss, is this yours?" Nathan said, and I quickly covered my face. "No! It's not mine!" I said, faking my voice and almost yelling, but he wasn't giving up.

"What do you mean? I saw it fall from your bag," Nathan said again, and I walked away briskly, but he ran after me and held my wrist.

I got pissed. I said it's not mine, why is he being so dramatic about it? I tried to pull my hand away, but he didn't let go.

"I SAID IT DOESN'T BELONG TO ME!!!" I yelled , pulling my hand away forcefully, and my hoodie fell from my head. The street lights came on instantly, and then I knew it... I'm doomed.


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