Chapter 3: "In the Realm of Kisses and Clashes"

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As Julia and Jad danced to the seductive rhythm of "Shape of You," their movements synchronized effortlessly, each step a testament to their growing chemistry.

In the middle of their dance, Jad paused the music, getting close to Julia. he paused the song, the silence between them pregnant with anticipation Looking into her eyes, he couldn't suppress the question that burned within him"Are you in a relationship?" he asked softly, his heart racing. Julia hesitated, then replied, "No, me? I'm not... I'm not ."she hesitated, the words catching in her throat as if lost in the intensity of their connection.

With those words, a wave of relief washed over Jad, soothing the doubts that had lingered in his mind. His heart, once burdened with uncertainty, now felt light and hopeful, as if a weight had been lifted. He realized that he could indeed pursue something more with her, dare to take the next step in their relationship. With newfound courage, he allowed himself to imagine a future where they were more than just dance partners, where their connection transcended the boundaries of friendship. As they continued to sway to the music, Jad felt a sense of exhilaration, eager to explore the possibilities that lay before them.

In the heat of the moment, Jad seized the opportunity to deepen their connection. With a gentle yet deliberate motion, he drew Julia closer and placed a tender kiss on her lips.

Julia's initial reaction was one of surprise, her cheeks flushing with a mixture of embarrassment and excitement. She felt a rush of conflicting emotions wash over her: the thrill of Jad's affection juxtaposed with the guilt of thinking about Ramy.

But Jad, ever the charmer, quickly reassured her that it was merely a scene for the dance channel, a performance meant to captivate their audience and showcase their chemistry as dance

Despite his words, Julia couldn't shake the lingering sense of intimacy that lingered between them.

For Jad, however, the kiss held a deeper significance. It was a moment of vulnerability, a glimpse into the depths of his heart that he dared not express aloud. Yet, masked by his charming facade, he dismissed it as nothing more than a professional gesture.As the music faded and the dance came to an end, Julia found herself lost in a whirlwind of emotions. She couldn't deny the undeniable connection she shared with Jad, nor could she ignore the guilt that gnawed at her conscience.

Julia stepped into Ramy's house, her mind still consumed by the memory of Jad's kiss. She settled beside Ramy, intending to share a meal together. Because They agreed to grab lunch together today.

But as Ramy scrolled through his phone, his expression turned stormy."What's this, Julia?" Ramy's voice was laced with accusation as he thrust his phone towards her. "You and that guy... dancing so intimately?"

Julia's heart plummeted as she watched the video of her and Jad's dance. Ramy's hurt and anger were palpable, his eyes burning with betrayal.

-"Did you see that kiss ? How many times did he freaking kiss you? And what was that move at the end, putting his nose on your neck? What the hell is that?"

Ramy's voice cracked with nervousness and frustration, his words tinged with anger.

-She replied calmly, "We only practiced it three times," but in her mind, she scolded herself, "I'm crazy, how did I even say that? "
Everything was perfectly normal. Why are you making such a big deal out of it? It's just a dance. You're my partner. How could you even think like that?"

-"Why am I talking in this way? Julia Because I can't stand the thought of anyone else touching you like that. But I'm not making things bigger, am I? It's just normal, anyone in my place would feel the same." Ramy's voice remained calm, though his concern was evident. He made an effort to soften his tone as Julia continued to speak.

-"Ramy, it was just a dance," Julia pleaded, her voice trembling.Jad and I were rehearsing for an event Because we'll be performing the dance. If you didn't want me to dance, you shouldn't have supported me from the beginning. You know that in dancing, there are physical touches and acting scenes that enhance the performance. It meant nothing."

Ramy's jaw tightened, his frustration evident. "Nothing? How can you say that? I saw the way he looked at you, Julia. And you... you didn't push him away."

-"I didn't need to," It was all part of the routine of the dance ."

-"Excuse me , Julia. You're changing," Ramy accused, his tone harsh.

Tears welled up in Julia's eyes. "I'm not changing, Ramy. I'm just pursuing my passion. But what about us? You're always working, always busy. Do you even have time for us anymore?"

Ramy's expression softened, guilt flickering in his eyes. "I'm trying, Julia. You know how important my job is."

-"But what about us?" Julia's voice cracked. "What about our relationship?"

After a few minutes of their heated argument, Ramy felt like he might lose Julia, so he stopped and wanted to end everything. "Sorry for shouting at you. I didn't mean to speak that way. You know me well; I'm not the type to argue with my girlfriend." As he spoke, he gently reached out, his hand moving to her jaw, but Julia hit his hand and recoiled, stepping back from his touch. "I love you, Julia," he whispered, his expression pleading, but she remained distant.

-"I'm sorry, Ramy. I need some time to think."With a heavy heart, Julia left her seat and hurried out of the house, leaving Ramy behind.

Bassam: "I just saw the video on YouTube you and Julia, went viral. What's this?"

Jad: "Do you like it?"

Bassam: "Don't be stupid, you know what I mean, a kiss in the middle of your dance? What did she say? Did she react to you?"

Jad: "No, I guess she liked it."

Bassam: "Jad! Julia seems different, not like the others girls you know. Be careful."

Jad: "Come on bassam, you know me better than that, it's not your business either way.

Bassam: "because i know you i'm telling you that."

Jad: "Oh, by the way, Bassam, Julia's birthday is next week."

Bassam: "Wow, Jad, and how did you know? You told me it's just a dance, yes? You're really not interested."

Jad: "Saw it on her instagram. I think I'll surprise her."

Bassam: "Surprise her? Jad your barely know her!!"

Jad: "Exactly, I barely know her, but I want to surprise her on her birthday. You'll see, she will fall in love with me."

Bassam: "Haha. A few minutes ago, you told me that she doesn't mean anything to you. So why do you want her to fall in love with you?"

Jad: "I can't meet a girl without making her fall in love with me."

Bassam: "Jad, please, you're playing with fire. I don't want the company's stock to go down because of your reputation. We all know that you can't love any girl."

Jad: "Is that all you think about? Company stock? Are you my manager or the boss here, dear? Shut up, please, I'm going to my office. Tell the boss of the chef and the gifts to come to the board meeting to discuss Julia's birthday."

Bassam murmured as Jad left, "Really, there's no life to those you call bosses. He doesn't know that this girl is really different from others, and she's really coming to dance. He will realize it soon."

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