Chapter 5: "Breaking the Silence"

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Julia knocked on Ramy's door, and he caught sight of her through the peephole. Unsure whether to open the door or not, he hesitated for a moment.

Julia knocked on the door three times before Ramy opened it, his expression less than welcoming. "Where have you been? I've been knocking for ages," she said, a hint of frustration in her voice.

"Sorry, I was in the toilet," Ramy replied and he was behind the door
as Julia entered and sat beside him, offering an apologetic hug. "Sorry for what happened. I don't want to fight with you," she said softly.

"It's okay," Ramy responded, his tone still cool. "And sorry for what I did. You mean so much to me, Julia. You know that," he added, attempting to soften his words.

"You mean a lot to me too," Julia replied, feeling a flicker of warmth. "Guess what? I will be spending the night with you."

- "Jean, your phone is ringing."

-"Yes, Patrissia, I'm coming," Jean replied, answering the call. "Oh, it's Julia. Hey, Julia, where are you? Daddy, you're running late, and it's been a while since you've been home. Everyday You're sleeping with Chantal ,We are your family, not Chantal."

Julia sighed, "Hmm, my dear daddy, I'll be staying out tonight as well."

Jean questioned, "Tonight as well? Where?"

"In Chantal's house."

"Okay, absolutely, my dear. Have fun."
But Patrissia interjected, "No, tell her to come back!"

"Okay, goodbye, my sweetheart," Jean concluded, ignoring Patrissia's protest.

"Good night, my lovely daddy, and tell mom good night from me too,"

After finishing their meal, Ramy suggested, "Let's watch an episode of Friends to change the mood, and then we can watch a Netflix movie."

"Okay, let's go to Chantal's house to watch the movie." Julia replied, heading to Chantal's house.

"Channy, I need a pajama, a modest one."

Ignoring the remark, Julia requested, "Just give me a pajama that covers everything, because I know you."

Chantal searched through her wardrobe, saying, "Hmm, it's hard. I'll find something for winter, maybe. Ah, here's one!"

As they settled in to watch the movie, Julia suggested "Bird Box" .

-"Sure, I'll grab some popcorn," Ramy replied, disappearing briefly to fetch the snacks and he brought a mattress.

"I think we need to be more transparent with each other," she began. "Come with me to my dance class on Thursday. You'll see that your concerns are unfounded."

Ramy nodded, understanding Julia's need for reassurance. "I trust you, Julia. I'll be there to support you, nothing more."


Amidst the usual commotion of their shared living space, Lynn's voice cut through the mess with a familiar lament: "Where's my laptop? Oh my God, in this house, we can't find anything!"

Lynn, a 19 years old, possesses a stunning voice and natural charm. Remarkably, at just 15, she gained recognition for her talent, winning a prestigious singing competition. beauty was undeniable, with captivating brown eyes, long flowing hair, and a tall, attractive stature. Among our group of friends, she's known as one of the liveliest and funniest members, beloved by all.

Clara cried out, "OMG, I didn't watch yesterday's episode, and it was important!"

Clara, a 18 years old, radiates an abundance of positive energy within our group. Despite being the smallest among her friends, her brown hair frames her expressive eyes, making her stand out. Clara's passion for photography adds a unique dimension to our group dynamic, and her close bond with Lynn makes her an indispensable part of our circle.

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