Chapter 7:"A Date in the Making"

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Chantal whispered in Julia's ear, "You'll keep informing me once this fool is out of the picture."

Ramy:" Oh, Julia, you're here?"

Julia: "Look who's talking. Why aren't you working?"

Ramy: "Because today, I'm taking a break. I'm feeling a little indisposed ."

Julia: "Oh, my dear, are you okay?"

Ramy: "Yes, yes, don't worry."

Chantal: "If you're taking a break because you're sick, you shouldn't be taking care of Julia."

Julia: "Hmm, hey, he always takes care of me. Don't be silly. I'm sorry, I have to go. Please, Ramy, take care of yourself. I'll see you soon, but I have to go to the gym. You know it's the time now!"

Ramy: "I came to Chantal's because I saw your car here. Now I have to go too."

Chantal said, without letting Julia notice, "You stay here."

After Julia leaves, Chantal said, "Are you crazy or what? You're not doing anything to attract this girl. Are you going to lose her? I don't know what to say. Omggg."

Ramy said, "And who told you to stick your nose in between me and her? We're fine, so please don't act like you're taking care of your friend. I know who always gives her clothes to go to this called Jad, and as for Jad, I'll take care of him. Goodbye."

After he closed the door and left, Chantal said to herself, "I told you. You can't say I didn't warn you. You'll regret it later."

"Bassam, I think I'm in love," Jad admitted, his words heavy with sincerity.

Bassam, known for his skepticism, raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "You? In love?" he retorted, a hint of amusement in his voice. "You've been with hundreds of girls and never once mentioned love."

Jad nodded earnestly. "I know, but this feels different," he insisted, a sense of conviction in his tone. "I can't explain it, but I find myself thinking about her all the time, reliving moments we've shared..."

Bassam remained skeptical. "It's hard to believe, Jad. You've always been the playboy type," he remarked, his skepticism palpable.

Jad's determination remained unshaken. "I've made up my mind. Tomorrow, I'll ask her out on a date. I want her to be my girlfriend," he declared, his resolve evident in his voice.

*A few hours ago *

Jad sauntered into the bustling café, his eyes darting around until they landed on a familiar face. "Hey, Eddy & Roy!" he called out, making his way over to his friend's table.

Eddy looked up from his phone, a grin spreading across his face as Jad approached. "Jad, man, what's up?"

"Not much, just fancied a quick coffee," Jad replied, sliding into the seat opposite Eddy & Roy. "How's your day been?"

Eddy shrugged, taking a sip of his latte. "Same old, same old. Trying to tackle this endless stream of emails."

Roy chuckled, taking a sip of his own coffee. "It's like a blast."

"Guys, I need to talk to you about something . I need your help "

Roy and Eddy leaned forward, their curiosity piqued. "What tell us?"

"You know I've been single for a long time, but I've finally met someone. She's a dancer in the company. And she's my partner in dance  .Jad spoke fondly, his voice filled with admiration. "Her name is Julia. She's stunning, like a mermaid with cascading brown hair that drapes over her shoulders. Her eyes are a mesmerizing shade of brown or hazel, captivating anyone who looks into them. She has a delicate nose , and full inviting lips that call for a kiss."

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