Chapter 4:"Birthday surprise"

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As Roy and Eddy entered Jad's wonderland, all girls employees couldn't help but marvel at their beauty. it was evident they shared a close bond. Roy, with his blond hair and striking blue eyes, exuded a charming presence despite his shorter stature. Eddy , on the other hand, stood tall and handsome, his blond locks and piercing blue eyes adding to his undeniable attractiveness.

Jad: "Hey, Roy and Eddy are here! Long time, no see. How've you been?"

Roy: "Busy, busy. You know how it is, growing our work."

Eddy : "Yeah, the work never stops. But we had to make time to see our old friend."

Jad: "I'm glad you did. So, what brings you guys here?"

Roy: "Well, I need your help, man. Rose's feeling down because I'm traveling, and I want to get her something special to cheer her up."

Eddy : "Same here, Jad. Natasha's feeling the same way about me being away. I need something to show her how much she means to me."

Jad: smirks "Ah, lovebirds in need of some gifts, huh? Don't worry, I've got just the thing for both of your ladies."

Roy: "Ah .you're really lifesaver!"

Eddy : "Thanks, man. We knew we could count on you."

Jad: "Of course, anything for my friends. Let's go pick out something perfect for Rose and Natasha. "


On the eve of julia's birthday may 31, Julia couldn't contain her excitement as she reminded Rami of the upcoming occasion.

Julia: "Do you know what tomorrow is?"

Rami: "What is it?"

Julia's disappointment was palpable as Ramy's oblivious response sank in. Chantal, never one to mince words, couldn't help but interject when Julia entered the bathroom disappointed.

Chantal: "You forgot again, didn't you? Tomorrow is Julia's birthday, Ramy."

Ramy:" OHHH, tomorrow is 1 june how did I forget!"

Chantal: "I don't know how Julia is still with you."

Julia overheard their conversation upon returning from the bathroom, confirming that Ramy's forgetfulness was genuine rather than a feigned surprise.

Ramy informed them that he's going to grab a coffee with a friend and will join them in a maximum of 30 minutes.

Ramy hurriedly set out to rectify his oversight. His first stop was the bakery,  he get a modest cake suitable for their small gathering, adorned with the a message, "Happy Birthday, my love." Next, he went also to get a small gift so he got a lone red rose at a symbol of his love amidst the nocturnal stillness, darting out to procure a last minute cake and gift. Meanwhile, Julia's anticipation mingled with a tinge of disappointment. However, when Ramy returned asked Julia and Chantal at 12 am to come to his house to celebrate ,with a modest cake and a single rose, Julia's heart softened.

Ramy: "Happy birthday, my love. I hope we'll stay lovers forever."

Chantal thought to herself, "He isn't romantic at all. He should be and her alone without me having to orchestrate a romantic night ."

Julia was happy even it was a simple gift. Julia isn't a girl who loves fantasy.
When she went to the kitchen to bring forks and plates for the cake, Chantal couldn't resist complimenting Ramy on his simple gift.

Chantal said sarcastically: Ramy, my stomach, I can't, is this what God has destined for you to bring? If I were Julia, I would throw your rotten flower in your face. And I would destroy the large cake that feeds all the neighbors in your head as well."What are you doing? Thank God that Julia is a girl who does not like to brag."

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