Chapter 1: first encounter of hearts

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Julia: "Um, excuse me?"

Bassam: "smiling Hi there! Can I help you with something?"

Julia: "Yes, I saw an Instagram post about dancing lessons here, and I am  interested. It mentioned three coaches :Jad, Anasthasia, and Thomas."

Bassam: "Ah, yes, we do offer dance classes. Which coach were you thinking of?"

Jad: "approaching Actually, I can help you with that. What do you need?"

Bassam: nodding to Jad "Ah, there's Jad now. He can assist you."

Julia: surprised "Oh, hi. I didn't realize you were the one I was looking for."

Jad: smiling "No worries. How can I help you?"

Julia: "Well, I wanted to speak with someone about choosing a coach."

Jad: eagerly "Perfect! I'd be happy to help. What are you looking for in a coach?"

Julia: "Someone experienced and passionate about dancing, I suppose."

Jad: enthusiastically "Well, you're in luck because that's me. Plus, I can offer you personalized attention as your coach."

Bassam: sensing the situation "Alright, I'll leave you two to it then."

Jad: "thank you bassam ."

Julia: "okay, that's perfect so i'll choose you as my coach."

Jad smiles in a beautiful way "it's my pleasure."

Julia stepped out of the meeting room , her mind still spinning from the whirlwind encounter with Jad.
As she approached the reception desk to settle her payment, she couldn't shake the butterflies fluttering in her stomach because of his beauty.

"How should I pay for the lessons?" Julia inquired, her voice betraying a hint of nervousness.

Bassam , with a smile, "You can pay me directly. Cash or card, whatever suits you best."

"Julia hesitated, glancing at the price list displayed on the desk. The figure made her heart skip a beat ,it was more than she had budgeted for. But the prospect of having Jad as her personal coach was too enticing to resist. With a determined nod, Julia handed over her credit card, silently reminding herself that investing in her passion was worth every cent.

Exiting the company , Julia spotted Ramy her boyfriend waiting patiently in the car , a warm smile lighting up his face as he caught sight of her.

"Hey, there you are!" Ramy greeted, opening the car door for her. "How was it?"

Julia beamed as she settled into the passenger seat. "It was incredible! And guess what? The coach is none other than the boss of the company himself, Jad! He's amazing."

"Ramy's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "The boss? Wow, that's impressive. But wait, how much does it cost?"

Julia's smile faltered slightly as she admitted, "It's a bit pricey $200 a month. But I just had to go for it."

"Ramy's expression softened as he reached for her hand. "Hey, if it's something you love, then it's worth every penny. Don't worry about the cost.I just want to see you shine, Julia. And if dancing brings you joy, then I'm all for it."

Julia felt a swell of gratitude for Ramy's support as she leaned in to kiss him softly.

With Ramy by her side and dance in her heart, she felt ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead.

As Julia went to Chantal, her best friend , Jad paced back and forth in his office, a whirlwind of emotions churning inside him. He couldn't shake the memory of Julia's radiant smile and the way her eyes sparkled with excitement during their brief encounter at the company. Turning to his best friend and manager, Bassam. Jad struggled to conceal his turmoil.
"Hey, Bassam, did you see that girl who came in earlier?"

Bassam nodded, a knowing look in his eyes. "Yeah, I saw her. Julia, right?"

Jad clenched his jaw, cursing himself for letting his emotions show.
"Right. Julia. There's something about her... I can't quite put my finger on it."

"Bassam raised an eyebrow, his gaze piercing. "You seem pretty to like her , boss."

Jad shrugged nonchalantly, attempting to mask the truth. "Nah, just curious, that's all. Anyway, forget I said anything."

Bassam studied Jad for a moment before letting out a low chuckle."Sure thing, boss."

Back at Chantal's apartment, Julia's excitement bubbled over as she  narrated the day's events to Chantal her best friend . Telling her how was her day, and they were gossiping as usual like typical girls at their night out, speculating about their friend's appearance. 'I swear she must've had botox,' Julia exclaimed. 'Her mouth just isn't the same,' Chantal added incredulously.

As the night wore on and the stars twinkled overhead, Julia found herself lost in thought, her mind drifting to the upcoming dance class on Monday. Little did she know, her second meeting with Jad would mark the beginning of a journey filled with passion, heartache, and the undeniable power of love.


I Hope you guys liked the first chapter. There's a lot of beautiful things coming your way it's just the begging !!

All the love ✨🫶🏻

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