Ch.3 - Difference

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  My head perks up at Francis coming up.

  "Morning, dear (y/n)." He smirks a bit, nodding at me as he hands me his ID and entry form. But immediately, all the excitement dies down the moment I realize his nose is different. I sigh frustratingly.

  "Don't tell me it's you again." I try to get the doppelganger to reveal its true self. I'm not even surprised if it tries to deny being a doppelganger.

  "Again? (Y/n), you see me everyday, don't you? Of course it's me again, right around the corner everytime." It flashes a sinister grin at me, immediately giving away another doppel trait. Bonus points for it thinking I see him on a daily basis, but really it's talking about itself.

  "C'mon, you don't have to fake it anymore." I purse my lips, bored and annoyed by its return, another attempt to try and get in.

  "Oh please, do you really know me well enough if I don't see you everyday?" Its smirk turns awkward as I stare at it with the 'are you serious' expression. It blinks at me before grunting, the smirk it had fades away. "Okay fine, please just- let me in." It confesses in defeat, looking at me with the pleading eyes everytime it does this.

  "I told you many times already, no." My voice strict, I deny its entry. It growls deeply, gritting its teeth with sharp fangs protruding out of the gums.

  "Let. Me. In." The voice of a monster, a doppelganger is all there. I remain calm, shaking my head with a look of amusement towards its torment. "We can become one, and be safe. Just let me in my dear." An act of endearment, a usual thing from it.

  "No matter how much you beg, plead, and even try to get in, I have no means to let some doppelganger like you in." I remind it sternly once again. It presses up a fist against the window, breathing loudly.

  "You don't understand. Poor you have been trapped within this job, morning shifts, all coming back tired and.." It trails off, another flash of plead within its eyes.

  "No." The shudders closes on it, sirens blare and rang up the phone. Faint running can be heard through the shudders, signifying that it ran off before the agents arrive. Then a taser goes off, then a thud. There was a moment of absolutely nothing, then the shudders open back up, revealing an agent.

  They thank me and told me to continue my job. I watch them shove it into the van as it tries to resist, taking one more glance of desperateness at me before falling in defeat. Some sort of guilt washes over me a bit, feeling genuinely sorry for it, but a doppelganger is what it is.

  It's such a stupid reason to show sympathy for. It looks so much like the real person, when they're really not. I rub my forehead, a sign of a headache coming in.

[Time skip cuz I'm impatient]

  Next day arrives, back in my office greeting tenants checking in and out. The whole time, I waited for the doppelganger milkman to come by. Not to apologise, but to remind it agaib. Despite not being to tell what differentiates it from him, my lips would automatically smile whenever I see his face. It's weird and stupid.

  "Greetings Mr.(y/n)! How are you doing?" Izaak Gauss greets me with a big smile on his face as usual, causing me to snap out of my trance. "And I'm checking out to get to the news station. There's an event going on downtown."

  "Pretty good, Mr.Izaak. How about you?" I ask him back, taking in his ID while I pull out an entry form from one of my documents to list his reason.

  "Not bad, it's a great day today.. For the mornings news!" His normal voice transitions into his reporter voice, now holding an imaginary microphone in his fist. I chuckle at his gag.

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