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8:00 am

"Sir, Mr. Raphael has been keeping an eye on you."

"Since when?"

Jungkook asks, As he takes a seat on his leather sofa. Wearing a white shirt tucked into navy blue trousers that hugged his thighs tightly. Small silver earrings dangled from his left ear, and his hair was parted in the middle, revealing his forehead.

"Since yesterday,"

the man replied.

Bending forward and clasping his hands together ,jungkook signals him to go on.

"He told two of his right-hand men to monitor your every move. Sir, I think he still doesn't fully trust you."


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"Mr. Lee, I hope you've already spoken to his right-hand men, haven't you?"

Jungkook asks, cocking his head to the side and fixing him with a serious gaze.

"Yes, sir, I have," the man replied nervously, his hands becoming sweaty.

"But there's another problem."

"And that is?"

"Sir, Daisy is back, and..." He stops mid-sentence, noting Jungkook's angry expression.

"Mr. Raphael wants you to show her around."

Feeling as if his throat were dry as a desert, the man, with trembling hands, placed a card on the table in front of Jungkook.

"And today is her birthday..."


slamming his fist on the wooden table, jungkook  fumes with anger as his chest heaves.

"That old hag! Why can't he just trust me and hand over the fucking position to me instead of using me as a puppet to satisfy his clients?" he shouts, getting up and roughly pulling his hair back as he paces around the room.

"Did you find any information about the girl I asked you about?" he demands, glaring at the man.

"Y-yes, sir. Your father, Mr. Liam, has never seen her. She was studying abroad when he became friends with Mr. Choi, so you don't need to worry." Nodding, Jungkook grabbed his car keys and stormed out of the room.


2:30 pm

"Father, you called me?"  As he makes his way into his father's office he asks him.

The middle-aged man, clad in a grey suit, sat in his chair in front of the large glass window.

"Yes, come in and take a seat," his father replies gesturing toward the chair in front of him.

Walking over to the chair and unbuttoning the top two buttons of his suit jungkook sits comfortably on the chair.

"As you must already know, Daisy is back. I want you to take good care of her because her father is going to help me acquire a lot of ammo from the Don in France, and maybe even ally with Louis, the French Don," his father explaines..

Jungkook just nods and look down.

"And always remember, son, never fall for a woman's charm. You should only use them as recyclable pieces and never get attached to them. That's how you can rule the underworld."

Jungkook squeezed his palm, his veins bulging from the force as he listened to his so-called father's words.

"I know, father," he replied.

"Good. Now you may go. I need some time alone."

Bowing to his father, Jungkook leaves the room.

"Asshole," he mutters under his breath.

   Y/n pov
                                        1:00 pm

"They're serving French fries today at the cafeteria. Let's go eat," Emily insists, tugging me along as I obediently follow her lead.

"Wait, let me message Anna to join us as well," I suggest, quickly typing out a text to Anna before scanning the cafeteria for an empty table.

"Let's sit over there, by the window. There's an empty table," I point out, leading the way without waiting for Emily's response, as I casually place my bag on the table.

"I'll go get the food; you stay here, okay?" Emily states, pulling out some money from her bag.

"Grab some almond milk for me too," I add, giving her a nod as she heads off to fetch our meals.

4:15 pm

"What would you like, sir?" I inquire politely, ready to take the customer's order.

"Two lattes and a cheesecake, please," he replies.

"Will that be all, sir?" I confirm, jotting down his request and seeking his approval.

"Yes, that will be all. Thank you," he nods, and I offer him a warm smile before heading to the counter to relay his order.

"Two lattes and a cheesecake for table 4," I inform Jeorge, who's responsible for coordinating orders with Jasmine.

"Did you notice how few customers there are today?" Jeorge remarks, glancing around the nearly empty cafe.

"Yeah, I was thinking the same," I agree.

"Well,  you both don't know?" Jasmine chimes in, her cheerful voice cutting through the conversation as she approaches.

We both shake our heads.

"A woman booked the entire cafe for what I presume is a date," Jasmine reveals, her waves of excitement bouncing with each step she takes towards us.

"Fancy! Where can I find such a woman so I can quit this lousy job?" Jeorge sighs, his expression shifting to one of longing as he gazes down at the counter.

5:25 pm

After finishing cleaning the last table, I head towards the reception area.

"Is the date not happening, or what, Jasmine?" I inquire, curious about the situation.

"They booked it for 5:30, so they are going to come any minute," Jasmine replies, providing an update.

Nodding, I double-check the table to ensure everything is in order before taking a seat on the stool behind the counter. From there, I have a clear view of customers entering the cafe.

Just when I think I might get a moment to rest, the bell on the door chimes, announcing the arrival of a stunning woman with chestnut brown hair, big eyes, a sharp nose with pretty lips.

I gasp in shock. Isn't that Daisy? The girl who was always with Jungkook, or should I say, his girlfriend?

"Y/n, go towards the table; she's here," Jasmine instructs me, breaking my thoughts.

"Oh, she's the one who reserved the cafe for her date?" I ask, seeking confirmation.

Jasmine nods, then disappears into the staff room, probably to retrieve her gloves.

Is she on a date with someone else? Wasn't she with Jungkook? Or did they break up?

As if to answer my questions, the bell on the door rings again, and Jungkook enters, his expression filled with annoyance as he makes his way towards Daisy's table.

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