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Yn's pov-

I sat on the couch, my laptop opened in front of me. I typed with a focused intensity, my fingers dancing across the keyboard with precision and speed.

 I typed with a focused intensity, my fingers dancing across the keyboard with precision and speed

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Namjoon brother gave me work to do. He always gave and I did willingly. He was the one who told me I must know the details of the Jong industry if I didn't want to work there physically.

Previous experience with the men made me caged in the mansion. Unlike , I could not fight with them but they were too degraded to even talk. Only knew how to use their manly power on women. Rascals....

I jerked off the thoughts focused on my work.

My eyes flickered between the screen and the notes beside me which Sam was holding for me and ensuring every word was just right.

"Are you listing me Or not?" Hana's annoying voice made me realize I was on the call with Hana.

Despite the distraction of my conversation with Hana, I remained completely absorbed in my task, my expression determined and focused.

"Yeah, I'm all ears." I smiled slowly.

The phone was on the speaker and I already informed her Sam was sitting beside me so she could control her tongue about the topic of my love life with Taehyung.

After insisting for almost two weeks, I lost against her and I told her about my first kiss. She almost choked when I told her each detail. Now there was no day skip when she would have not asked if we kissed again or not.

"Repeat my words what I said?"

She demanded.

"You were saying, you are missing me so much." Probably she said this.

Honestly I didn't remember, I was too lost in my work.

"Just one sentence....." Her frustrated voice pulled a chuckle from Sam's mouth. "Let me repeat..."

Now no one could stop her.

Here my Hana started.

"I said, It's so quiet here without you. I miss your company. No one's here to remind me to make coffee or ask for ice cream in the evening. And who will I make those beautiful braids for?" She repeated each word with the same emotional tone. She really missed me. I missed her too.

"Aw, I miss our little routines too. Don't worry, I'll be back soon, and we can have our coffee and ice cream together. And you can braid my hair as much as you want! Happy now." I said softly.

I could imagine her delightful smile and if I was there she would caress my hair.

Hana was really amazing. She's like two people in one. When I need someone to be fun and carefree, she acts like a teenager, always ready with a joke or a prank. But when I needed comfort and support, she transformed into this nurturing mother figure, always there to listen and offer wise advice. It must be comforting to have someone like her around. I feel so lucky to have her in my life.

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