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**Prologue: Bound by Obsession**

It was raining heavily. Thunder and lightning filled the sky. Isabella Rossi was drenched but didn't care. Her only goal was to capture Tristan De Luca. She had the heart of an angel but couldn't let him go.

Tristan, the powerful and feared leader of the Italian mafia, commanded both respect and fear. He wielded extreme power, but deep down, he was a vulnerable soul. Isabella didn't know about his vulnerability; all she knew was that he seemed heartless.

She was a lawyer.
She had studied him carefully. Despite his handsome looks and sharp features, he was merciless. Her mission was clear: she wanted to see him behind bars.

Even though she was drenched, Isabella was rushing to that nightclub, her heart beating fast. "Probably because she was meeting a mafia king" she thought.She had her gun tucked in her waistband, a skill she was trained in, unknownst to those around her. She was the kind of lawyer whose security couldn't be taken for granted.

As she entered the club, their eyes met. It was like a collision of worlds. Isabella's eyes held fire, her blue gaze challenging him. Tristan was taken aback. It was the first time he saw someone challenge him, especially a mysterious lady like her. No one knew about her past, and despite his efforts to uncover it, it remained elusive.

Isabella made her move as she navigated through the crowd, getting closer to her target. She wanted to fight all those men and take Tristan with her. As he approached, she raised her weapon, but Tristan was faster. With a swift, practiced motion, he disarmed her and pulled her close.Their faces were inches apart. She glared at him with a mixture of hatred and something else, something she refused to acknowledge. Probably curiosity cuz she rly wanted to know why did he become a monster...but she should care less she thought..afterall he was no one to her!

As Tristan approached, he raised a hand to brush a stray lock of hair from Isabella's face. "Easy there, amore," he murmured, his voice low and husky.Isabella's heart raced at the intimate gesture, but she refused to let it show.

"Don't call me that," she snapped, her voice tinged with defiance.Tristan's lips curved into a knowing smile.

"Feisty, I like it," he said, his gaze never leaving hers. "But let's not play games, Isabella. You and I both know why you're here."Isabella's grip tightened on her gun, her resolve hardening.

"I'm here to bring you to justice," she declared, her tone unwavering.

Tristan's smile widened, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Is that so? Well then, amore, let's see what you're made of."

With that, he released her, a silent challenge lingering in the air. Isabella's pulse raced with a mixture of anger and something else, something she couldn't quite name.

As the crowd swirled around them, Isabella knew one thing for certain: this encounter was far from over. In Tristan's world, nothing was ever as it seemed, and she was about to learn that firsthand.

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