chapter14: shadows in the city

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**Chapter 14: Shadows in the City**

Isabella awoke to the soft sounds of Saint Petersburg stirring to life. The city's early morning hum seeped through the apartment's thin walls, a symphony of distant traffic and bird songs. For a brief moment, she allowed herself to enjoy the peace, but the weight of her circumstances quickly settled back onto her shoulders.

She got out of bed and quietly dressed, careful not to wake Alexei. He had insisted on staying nearby, offering his unwavering support and protection. As she stepped into the small kitchen, she found Natalia already awake, preparing breakfast.

"Good morning, Anna," Natalia greeted warmly, using Isabella's alias. "I hope you slept well."

(Natalia is alexai's friend, I'm lazy to introduce..........its been so many days that i updated specific just lazyyyyyyyy..........yeah its been so many days that i forgot what i wrote heheheheeheheheheh......)

"Good morning, Natalia," Isabella replied, offering a small smile. "I slept as well as I could, considering everything."

Natalia nodded, understanding the unspoken fears that plagued Isabella. "We must keep our spirits up. Breakfast is ready, and Alexei will be joining us shortly."

Isabella appreciated Natalia's efforts to create a sense of normalcy. They sat down at the small table, and she tried to push her worries aside, focusing on the simple pleasure of a warm meal.

Meanwhile, Tristan was relentless in his pursuit. After scouring Moscow with little success, he and Marco had flown to Saint Petersburg, determined to track Isabella down. The city's labyrinthine streets and historic buildings provided ample hiding places, but Tristan's resolve was unyielding.

"Boss, we've got people on the ground," Marco reported as they walked. "They're watching all the major transit points and hotels. We'll find her."

Tristan's eyes were cold, his mind focused. "Good. She can't stay hidden forever. Increase the surveillance around the bookstore and the cafes. She's bound to slip up."

Marco nodded, dispatching orders to their team. Tristan's obsession was palpable, driving his men to work tirelessly in the search. He wouldn't rest until Isabella was back under his control.

Isabella and Alexei spent the morning exploring a quieter part of the city, hoping to blend in with the local crowd. They visited a small art gallery, the vibrant paintings offering a brief respite from their reality. Isabella marveled at the colors and emotions captured on the canvas, finding a temporary escape in the art.

As they left the gallery, Alexei's phone buzzed. He glanced at the screen, his expression turning serious. "We need to talk," he said, leading Isabella to a nearby bench.

"What is it?" she asked, her heart racing.

"I received a message from a contact in the city," Alexei began. "Tristan's men are here. They're looking for you."

Isabella's stomach churned with fear. "What do we do?"

"We need to be careful," Alexei replied. "We'll avoid the usual places, stick to less crowded areas. And if we have to move again, we will."

Isabella nodded, her resolve hardening. She wouldn't let Tristan capture her again. She had come too far to give up now.

Tristan prowled the streets of Saint Petersburg, frustration growing with each passing hour. His men had reported a few potential sightings, but none had panned out. He felt the city closing in around him, the pressure mounting.

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