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When I enter the gates of Miller , it erupts old feelings and emotions inside me.
My eyes hover around the big lawn filled with beautiful flowers , my favorite jacaranda tree stands glorily with it's lavendar blossom ,the honey smell emits from it , give refreshes to the onlookers

My babies murmur by seeing the beauty of their house . It isn't a biggest mansion like royals recide but it is a big bungalow, with a mesmerizing lawn,

Still I don't know why Miller's didn't choose to live in their mansion, because I see other royal families who have the palace as a resendiatial place, but Miller's are the head family for all of them ,but their resendiatial place isn't so big or luxurious like the other families. It is weird for me at first but later I came to know that the Miller's didn't like to spend extravagantly.

I enter inside the house , Mom and dad  gives me a warm hug inorder to welcome me , but grandfather didn't even see my face but he bend down and gives a warm kiss to my babies in stroller,  they even started to murmur their language to  grandpa, his eyes filled with tears by seeing their antics

"They are exactly like Asher, even our Asher murmur like them whenever I kiss him" grandpa say this by wiping his tears after that he went to his room without even seeing my face.

This hurts me very badly but I veiled it with my beautiful smile.

"Aurora ,iam leaving then ,take care of the babies dear" my father said this and hug me

I feel so sad to leave my father but now I have my priorities, I kiss him on his forehead and my tears fell down from my eyes

"Father please visit me ,atlest two times in a week ok"

"Ok dear take care , and take your medicines properly Ok,  he kiss his grandchildren and left the place after adeiu farewell to mom and dad.

Mom take me to our bedroom ,I see the whole room , which is same as before ,not even the thing change inside , even my products are still their like how I left them. But the only change is cradle which present near the bed . 

Rose helps me to place babies inside the cradle and went outside by asking me to rest ,

I see the king size bed which doesn't show any trace of ther person sleeping their ,it is perfect and new.

Asher is the neat and perfect freak but on contrary iam the number one messy girl in the world,  iam also have my own neat agenda ,but iamn't  as perfect as Asher.

I feel tired  ,so quickly  I  change my attire into a comfortable one to hit the bed .

As soon as my back hit on the soft mattress ,it's like a heaven for me, I slowly falls into the deep slumber.

When I open my eyes , i feel refreshed ,   and when i turn around i  see the Asher who is keenly working in his laptop by sitting on the couch. He looks handsome in the dim light but i also feels the tiredness in his face  he  didn't even change his dress , such a workaholic man he is.

I check the time in my mobile it's says 1'0 clock and  my babies are sleeping peacefully. I try to get up from the bed but I feel the severe pain in my c section scar. When I consult this to doctor , she says that the 25% of women goes  throgh the c section scar pain and it will become severe in 3rd month but it will automatically decreased in 6 to 12 months and she also didn't find any infection so she ask me to not worry about that

I slowly caress  my abdomen and again  my eyelids felt heavy and I sleeps again,

I hears the weeping sound of my baby so I swifly get up from my bed and my bad that swift movement rapidly increase my back pain  and shoulder pain , I hissed , and I try to sit up but it's like I can't do that ,so I lay my back on the bed again.

I turn my side and see Asher who takes Crying Liam and he is trying very badly to calm  him ,and when I see Levi he is sleeping soundly , sometimes it happens ,one of them sleep soundly but other one weep very badly

The water is dripping from Asher's hairs , I think he took his bath now ,I check the time it says 3' 0 clock ,oh my God my babies get up on the odd time and they sleep only after the sleep left my eyes.

Again  i try to get up but I feel the severe pain again, finally I sit by resting my back on the headboard but my Pain increase rapidly again  so unknowingly I hissed loudly and my tears flow freely

I hears the loud cry again  and  , now both of them started to cry loudly , this time Asher see my face

"Aurora are you also crying ?" He asks sadly

" I think  I can't feed them at a  same time , so --so can you handle Levi till I feed Liam, sorry "

It feels like iam disturbing him , I also sees his laptop on the couch along with many files, I feels bad for him.

He sees my face keenly for sometime

"Ok no problem,  and iam glad Aurora to help our babies and you"

"But you are already working "

"And Iam working for you and our babies welfare, so your needs are my first priority"

Iam overwhelmed so without any thought I hug him and weeps badly , my tears wet the  stomach potion of his fresh shirt.

My physical pain and my mental burdens  makes me to weep

Everyone talks about the delivery pain but no one talks about the afterpain that mother goes through , he caress my head and the babies also stop their crying

"Am I having three babies here" Asher mischeviously  said and help me to sit on my back by placing the pillow

After feeding the babies and in six clock  they finally sleep peacefully , I look Asher he is tired so I ask him to sleep but he deny it and get ready to go to his office

"Don't worry dear wifey , today I have a important meeting and as soon as it finshes I will return immediately"


"Beacuse I need to spend my time with my family" he said and kiss  my forehead,

After he left I also return to the world of slumber

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