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It's been two days , due to week health of father, doctor ask him to stay their for two more days , yesterday grandpa also left to Lilymae ,to attend urgent meetings regarding the Agriculture business  there.

So iam the only one at home ,my husband didn't even bother to check me or the kids , from today evening  the babies are crying from time to time ,maids are there to help me unfortunate miss nancy is affected by fever so she is on leave, after so much of coaxing they finally welcome the slumber , after the hectic day I consume my dinner and dismiss the maids , I know I can keep them but they are also humans they need rest , so I dismiss them.

When I finish my dinner ,again I hear the shrilling cry of my babies , I run to the room to calm them down ,I feed them but that doesn't stop their weeping , i check their forehead but there is no fever I change their diaper  but it doesn't stop them ,they cry loudly at one point I felt confused ,sad , guilt , I feel like Iam in the deserted forest without any one , I don't know to whom I need to call , I feel tired ,I need someone to hold me to comfort me to help but all this time I get nothing

Again I try to calm them ,but I failed miserably, my tears welled up , I cry and with quivering voice I try to calm them down . But it is no use ,I check the time ,it is 1 am already.

My room door creak open  I felt creepy but the the person enter inside is non other than Asher. He keenly see the situation and rush inside the washroom to wash his hands , after that he try to calm them  but they started to cry more,I touch their head and they are having fever ,it' shook me to the core, I already check for their fever but now it seems the fever spike up again , I felt like iam a bad mother.

"We can take them to hopsital"  Asher  Says and rush to take the car key

In the hospital

The doctor prescribed some medicines and admit the babies in hospital till morning for observation

I sit near my babies , literally they are silver lining in my  darkest life . My tears welled up and a sob escaped my mouth , swiftly I close my mouth and wipe my tears.

I felt a touch on my shoulder, and see my dad their ,without any thought I hugged him and sobbed on his shoulder

"Father Iam tired "
"Iam feeling like iam the worst mother"
"Iam drained father literally iam drained"

Again I sobbed, my father didn't say anything and caress my hair

After I calmed myself ,my father make me  to stand infront of him , he wiped away my tears

"No daughter you are the best mother , you know it is hard to handle one baby ,but you are handling twins without anyone's support"

My father said the last sentence by giving an angry look towards Asher

He pat my head and kissed my hair

"You are the strongest girl and iam very proud of you dear , you are my little fighter right?"

" yes iam your little fighter , Thank you father , and how come you are here"

"I goes to see David uncle but when iam on the way I hear about Mr.Miller's ill health ,so I came here to see him , but when I witness babies and you  in threshold, I rush here to meet my daughter and grand kids."

"And my dear daughter , are you taking care of your health , you looks withered my dear"

I give a smile as a replay,

"And your friend Tommy ask about you ,he return from Verity island"

"Really are you saying the truth , did Tommy return"

Iam excited is an understatement ,he is one of  my best friend and best brother it's been five years , he voluntiarly went to Verity island during the time of war ,he is a soft and kindhearted man , when he watch the Layen country's attack towards Verity Island  , he felt sad for the kids and the poor civilians who brutally got killed by the inhuman attack of Layen Country, at that day  he decided to help them with his medical profession,   so he enlist his name for voluntary  doctors ,  and he works there for five years

Now the war is finally over and the world court issued a war crime against the head of Layen, now Verity Island is in the state of reconstruction,  ,even Bollock offer various help to rebuild them , The family of Miller offers their own Island as a present for a verity Island.

"Yah dear ,soon he is shifting to Floret, he asks about you and even ask your phone number"

"Iam really excited to meet Tommy, father"

My father smiles by seeing my countenance, he pats my head lovingly

All the time Asher stands there and my father is giving cold glare to him.

Is there any problem between them ,I mean my father always praise Asher and talk like he is an  epitome of human  ,but now why he is glaring him.

After sometime father bid farewell and left without saying nothing to Asher.

I sit there and see the babies slumber , they looks  pure and innocent. there eyes ,nose and forehead looks exactly like their father , I kiss their forehead ,I want to protect them and shower them with all the motherly love I failed to get.

"Do you eat?" Asher ask ,but there is softness in it.

"Yes, you"

He doesn't replay

What is the problem with this idiot. I can't  control myself  anymore so I ask the question I always need to ask

"Are you having your menstrual cycle " I ask  with the sweet smile


"Your mood swings"

Before he answer me  I rush to the washroom and lock the door

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