1: The Men Who Find Pleasure Harming Girls

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Note: This story is complete so I'm uploading the entire thing all at once!
Female Giorno in this story is blonde with orange eyes and looks like a tiny, mini Dio.


There was one thing I knew in this world and one thing only: I had to make it alone. No one is coming to save me. When my step-father would beat me over the smallest mistakes or simply due to his bad mood, I used to dream of a hero on a white horse swooping in to save me. None came. We rely on love to save us or give our lives meaning, but while men may pretend to care about me for show, every one of them reveals to have one motive, and one motive only. It has nothing to do with love. Love doesn't exist. It's a thin layer of manufactured sugar to coat the pungent horror show of reality.

Not that I have anything against sex. I do want it. Someday. I only doubt there are many men who have the capacity to see me as much more than a walking, talking fleshlight. They will never, not once in their lives, have to worry about what would happen to their own bodies if they got pregnant, so of course they treat sex as nothing more than scratching an itch.

So, if I stole from some of them, who cares? It's not like any of them care about me, so I'm obligated to not care about them. They only use me, so I'll use them back. I was leveling the playing field. This time, though, I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. I had easily gotten away with stealing the bags from a particularly naive-looking tourist, but something about it didn't feel right.

"Koichi Hirose, huh?" I frowned at the smiling face of his passport. He looked nice. Well, most guys looked nice. Who knew what thoughts lay hidden inside his skull. After the way men treated me my entire life, I stopped caring a long time ago.

I tossed the passport at the trashcan halfway across my dorm room. It bounced off the rim and fell onto the floor. I got up from my bed and stood over the small booklet. It was open and Koichi's beaming face tied my stomach into knots. Ugh. Why was I feeling so guilty now of all times? I imagined Koichi lost, alone, and scared on the streets of Italy. I sighed and placed the passport in my nightstand drawer. I'd try to find him later and give him back his passport at least. For now, class was starting soon.

The library was always empty this time of the morning. I had a few books to return, but decided to check if there were any new medical journals available.

"Check this one out!" I heard someone say behind some bookshelves. Snickering followed.

"Dude, that's so sick!" another voice laughed. "Play that part again. Okay, pause there, pause.... ! Oh!!"

Curiously, I walked along the rows of bookshelves and spotted a group of guys huddled together in the mathematics section. Their heads were bowed, staring into the phone of the one boy I recognized. Bovoleto. He was handsome, mischievous, and a lot of girls had crushes on him. When he started dating the bubbly and beautiful Pastella, everyone in my class was so happy for them. The two made a perfectly beautiful couple and even before they started dating, it seemed like half the school wanted them to get together just from the way they looked at each other.

I got closer, enough to hear muffled moaning from the phone. Oh, they were watching porn. A normal morning, then.

"I love it when they cry while they're being annihilated," one of the boys said. "For some reason, it's so hot."

"You ever try that with Pastella?" another pointed to the screen. I craned my neck, my vision partially obscured through two layers of books. A man on the screen was choking a woman, her face bright red from the strain and lack of oxygen. Tears were streaming down her cheeks.

"Of course! Pastella lets me do anything I want," Bovoleto chuckled.

"Oh yeah? Anything??" one of the boys challenged.

"She's addicted to the D so of course she will," another quipped.

"If you see bruises on her today - well, if you know you know," Bovoleto laughed.

I loudly cleared my throat. The boys jumped and I gained a tingle of satisfaction hearing their stumbling footfalls sounding like a truckload of bowling balls being thrown into the street as they regained their footing.

"Oh! Giorno!" Bovoleto laughed, an embarrassed blush spreading across his cheeks. "How long have you been there?"

I sprouted my best Customer Service face and sweetly chirped, "I just got here. I want to check this out," I held up a medical journal which advertised current treatments for resistant hypertension on the cover in a drab font. "Do you know when the librarian will be back?"

"No, we were waiting for her to get back, too." Bovoleto said while looking at his watch. "Shit, class is about to start!"

The boys all grabbed their bags and sped out of the library as a group, their laughter exploding once they were in the hallway.

Par for the course. I wouldn't expect them to act any other way.

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