14: Keep Your Eyes Open

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"Mom could have at least told one of us where Anasui would be staying," Joel grumbled in Italian. He turned to talk to me, but he looked down at his phone as he opened his text messages to type a few short messages, presumably to Ms. Kujo. "Mom always does this: Make plans and doesn't tell anyone the details until the last minute."

I appreciated this nugget of information, allowing me to piece together what was happening, but I still wasn't sure what to think about this flirtatious person suddenly materializing from Joel's life. I wasn't going to jump to conclusions, but I wouldn't delude myself by rejecting obvious possibilities. My chest tightened. Was this jealousy?

"You're not dating Juliet anymore, so you'll have no use for speaking Italian anymore," Anasui said in English. Suddenly, she noticed my existence when she followed Joel's gaze. "Who is she? Your tour guide?" She frowned and looked me up and down.

"Ah, hello," I turned to Anasui, knowing enough to understand she was asking who I was. My broken English was ready to respond, "I am Giorno. It is nice to be meeting you." My Customer Service smile was back.

Anasui stared at me. Her face was neutral, making it difficult for me to read her, but by the way she stood with her strong gaze, I could tell she was a strong-willed, confident person. She slowly smiled. "I thought Italian girls had more... oomph, you know?" Anasui stared at my chest while cupping her breasts and moving her hands outward as if making them larger. "She could really benefit from eating a cheeseburger once in a while," she chuckled.

I noticed the gesture. Was she making fun of my chest?? My chest is the perfect size, thank you very much.

I felt a heavy hand on my shoulder and Joel pulled me close to his side. I didn't mind the icy breeze he rescued me from, but his warmth was inviting. I wanted to melt into him, but I noticed at the same time, I instinctively held my arms stiffly at my sides as if in defense. Joel told Anasui sternly, "Giorno and I went on our first date last night, so be nice to her."

Anasui's eyes widened and her shoulders dropped. "I see," she said as her smile struggled to remain on her face.

What did he say to her that made her deflate like a balloon? I wish Fugo was here! She knew English.

Anasui quickly recovered and waved a hand dismissively. "I was just joking! I obviously wasn't serious! Don't be so sensitive," she laughed loudly. "I'm really happy for you, though! So you're seeing another blonde Italian girl just like Juliet. Rebounds are great for temporarily soothing a broken heart."

Joel lowered his head toward me and said softly in Italian, "This is Anasui, a friend I met in college. She can be possessive of her friends, which makes her act weird sometimes, so I'm sorry if she's rude to you. It seems you're intimidating enough to instill fear in her." His tone had an edge of humor.

When I eyed Anasui's suspicious expression, Joel added, "Don't worry, she doesn't speak a word of Italian."

"What are you saying about me, babe?" Anasui asked, twirling a strand of her long hair between two fingers. "I hope it's all good stuff. Though I wouldn't mind her knowing some of the bad, either," she said with a mischievous grin. "Anyway, we're all friends here, so you can speak openly in English. You don't have to be scared of me."

"Giorno doesn't know much English," Joel said.

Anasui shrugged and pulled her luggage to the front steps of my new apartment building. "Whatever. I'm so cold and no kind soul will lend me their jacket!" She peered at Joel from the corner of her eye.

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