16: King of My Heart

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I awoke when the morning sun brushed across my eyes. It rudely interrupted my dream where I was swimming in the Atlantic ocean with Joel. We had just reached the shore and he had held me close in an embrace from behind. Realizing I was no longer standing on warm sand, the events of the night before slammed into me. I sighed, held my head, and let myself curl into a tight ball for a few seconds before releasing all the tension out of my body. I cautiously peered over the bed and saw Joel peacefully asleep on the floor. He had put his shirt back on and his suit jacket laid across his shoulders as a second layer over his blanket. I admired him a moment, thinking how nice it could be to wake up with him every morning. Next time, he'll be beside me instead of on the floor.

Having not showered or cleaned up the night before, I was feeling a little gross and quietly got up and made my way to my tiny bathroom where I washed my face, brushed my hair, and brushed my teeth. I made my movements slow and soft, making sure to not make any noises loud enough to wake my guest.

A loud banging erupted from my door. I jumped and noticed Joel stir. Shit. I ran to the door before the intruder could knock again.

"SURPRISE!!" Narancia yelled. Bright fluorescent hallway lights scorched my eyes, even though I had only opened my door a crack.

Trish stood by Narancia's side and waved sleepily. "We're here to pick you up for breakfast so you can tell us all about your date!"

"What time is it?" I squinted and whispered, hoping Narancia would also lower her voice.

"8:30! We figured we'd let you sleep in after your big night," Narancia was too excited to be anything but maximum volume. "Fugo couldn't come because she has a test at 9."

"I'd also been studying all night and woke up late," Trish sounded apologetic.

Narancia placed a hand on my door to let herself in, but I barred the door with my foot. She tilted her head in confusion. Never once did I ever deny them entry into my dorm.

"Hey, what gives? Are you okay?" Narancia asked, pursing her lips into a concerned pout.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just... really messy in here," I wasn't awake enough to think of a better lie.

Narancia and Trish exchanged a look.

"We should head down to the cafeteria before they stop serving breakfast," Trish said.

"You two go without me. I'm not feeling well," I hated lying to them, but what else could I do?

Narancia placed her hands on her hips and eyed me suspiciously but didn't say anything.

Trish nudged Narancia with an elbow and grinned. "Fugo got a boyfriend."

"What??" Narancia and I shouted in unison. I opened my door wider. No way!! "WHO?"

Trish took advantage of the situation and dove into my room before I could register what had just happened. "You say you're fine, but now you're sick? You say your room is messy, but we all know how tidy you are. Something's up."

"Hey!" When I took a panicked glance over to my bed, Joel was nowhere to be found. I caught Trish's eye, who had noticed where I had looked. Crap.

"So, who's Fugo dating?" Narancia asked, following Trish into my room.

"No one. I lied," Trish grinned. "But it got us in."

"It's not messy at all in here!" Narancia observed. "Except that weird pile at the foot of your bed."

I laughed nervously. "Laundry day. I was so tired last night, I didn't have the energy to put it all away." My panic subsided when I noticed Joel must have taken his suit jacket with him, wherever he went. I tried not to look at the bathroom door, else Trish might notice and investigate.

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