4: A Reprieve Before the Storm

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"You stole from someone? Again??" Fugo's voice was raised. She angrily jumped up from the bean bag chair sitting on Narancia's bedroom floor. "This has to stop, Giorno!"

"I was about your age when I went to juvie," Narancia said, concern in her voice. "Trust me, you don't want to go there."

"Don't you want to go to law school?" Trish asked. "How will you get accepted to a good school if you have a criminal record?"

"I know, I know!" I sighed in frustration. I knew this would happen. Still, they didn't have to gang up on me. "Law school is expensive, and I have to save up. It's my dream and I'd do anything for my dream! I'm careful about stealing. So what if I get caught a few times? I always get away. How else will I be able to afford-"

"Get a JOB!" Trish spat. "You're going to get caught eventually and then what?"

"There's no way I can save enough in time. College is next year, the school I want to go to has tuition fees and they're expensive, and it's so much quicker and easier if other people 'help' me. Those rich tourists won't miss what I steal anyway."

"Yes, they will!" It was rare when I saw Trish's eyes ignite in fury. "You're just making excuses to make yourself feel better about harming other people! The people you steal from are human beings, Giorno! This needs to stop! Now!" She stomped a foot on the floor for emphasis.

Ugh. Is Trish trying to be my mom? Trish has expensive tastes just like me. She loves expensive and fashion-forward clothes while I enjoy modifying and decorating my school uniform that toes the line of what is acceptable within dress code. While she otherwise could have understood me, she has a wealthy father at home who supports her needs and wants. Sure, he neglects her, but he throws his credit card at her to make up for not wanting to talk to her. When she doesn't have access to her father's card, she gets guys to buy her things by flirting and wearing strategic outfits that teases her goods. Guys nearly fall over themselves to help her. Trish would protest at this next question and lecture me into next week, but how are we much different?

Was I just making excuses for my behavior? Wasn't I now pointing my finger at Trish to make me feel better about what she just said about me?

"Maybe you should see a therapist," Fugo suggested thoughtfully. "What if you have kleptomania? You could start by seeing Ms. Buccellati, the school counselor."

"I don't have--" for some reason, that suggestion annoyed me. I don't have a condition! I'm perfectly fine! And even if I did, I don't need any help with it. Unless, maybe I could use the potential of having a condition to excuse putting off theiving right away- no, no no! I shook my head. "Can you guys just drop it? I'm suffering enough as it is." I was sitting on Narancia's bed and flopped onto my back.

"Hey, it's okay," Narancia put a gentle hand on my arm. "Just promise to stop stealing. We worry about you. Promise, Giorno?"

Could I promise to stop stealing? Sure, I could stop, but where would I get money? My parents won't help. They basically cut me off the second I stepped foot on my school's campus. They paid the tuition and barely said goodbye. I suppose I could try asking them anyway. Or. Ugh. Get a job. Working myself to the bone for minimum wage wasn't appealing. I decided to turn the spotlight off me with a joke. "This coming from a girl who offered to shank someone just a few hours ago?" I grinned.

"Hey!" Narancia laughed. "I was joking. Mostly."

"What should we do now?" Fugo asked. "Giorno should lay low for a while."

"We should have a sleepover!" Narancia bolted to her feet. "There's food and snacks in the kitchen. What movies do you all want to watch? We could also play some games!"

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