The Ultimatum

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The air hung heavy as Mr. Elio spoke, his voice laced with a newfound gravity. "The War, Draco. I know about the War."

The words detonated in Draco's mind. His meticulously constructed life in the Muggle world disintegrated around him like sandcastles under a tidal wave. How could Mr. Elio, this unassuming man, possess knowledge of the conflict that had ravaged the wizarding world? Panic clawed at Draco's throat.

"What do you mean?" he stammered, his voice a mere tremor compared to the thundering silence in his ears. Surely, there must be some mistake, some alternate reality where his past wasn't a festering wound.

Mr. Elio's gaze held a flicker of pain, a glimpse into a life irrevocably altered by war. "The War, Draco. The one where you aligned yourself with those who sought to tear our world apart."

Draco's breath hitched. The truth, the monstrous truth he'd buried in the deepest recesses of his soul, had been unearthed. Shame, a searing brand, scorched his insides, a constant reminder of his past transgressions.

"I... I don't know what you're talking about," he lied, his voice barely audible. A pathetic attempt at deflection, but denial was all he had left in that moment.

Mr. Elio's gaze, however, held a steely resolve. "My wife," he revealed softly, "lost her brother and father in that war. And unlike me, she is a witch. She told me everything about you, Draco Malfoy, and the darkness you once supported."

Draco could only stare, the mask he'd worn for so long crumbling into dust. The weight of his actions, a crushing burden, threatened to suffocate him.

"There's no excuse," he finally choked out, his voice thick with regret. "But I'm a different man now. I was young, pressured by my family..." The justification tasted like ash in his mouth.

A flicker of empathy softened Mr. Elio's expression. "Tell me everything, Draco," he urged. "Tell me your story."

And so, Draco poured out his heart, confessing the horrors he'd witnessed, the choices he'd made under duress, and the path that led him to this pivotal moment. As he spoke, a sliver of hope, fragile as a spider's thread, flickered within him. Perhaps, just perhaps, there was a chance for redemption. But the road ahead would be arduous. Mr. Elio's investment hinged on public perception, and Draco's reputation in the wizarding world was abysmal. He would have to confront the ghosts of his past, not just to Mr. Elio's wife, but to the very community he'd once helped tear apart. The question remained: would they ever forgive him?

"Draco, we've known each other for quite some time now, and I have faith in both you and your vision. Let me share my thoughts on the current situation. Firstly, I'm genuinely impressed by your ambitious plan to establish a global hotel chain catering to guests worldwide. Secondly, the efficiency with which your team handled the unexpected surge in guests at the hotel was commendable. However, I must address a concern about your reputation in the wizarding world."

"I acknowledge your concerns, and I'm committed to addressing them as per your requirements."

"Draco, in the hotel industry, success hinges greatly on the reputation of its owner. My wife, whom you know well, expressed reservations when she learned of our potential partnership. Despite her concerns, she did not veto the idea, acknowledging your financial stability but emphasizing the importance of public perception and personal integrity."

"Mr. Elio, I am willing to do whatever it takes."

"Here are my conditions: I need to see improvements in your public image and your suitability as my business partner before I commit any investment."

"I understand, Mr. Elio. Give me some time to work on improving my public image. Can we proceed with initial investments to kick-start the project?"

"I foresee a 50-50 partnership, Draco. You can initiate your 50 percent investment. However, I will only invest once your public image has been rehabilitated."

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