What were you thinking?!!

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Isn't it too early for Valentine's?

There is a recent development that has sparked curiosity amongst the wizarding community, Hermione Granger was seen leaving Diagon Alley late last night with an unidentified companion. Grainy photographs captured by our investigative team show the unidentified person assisting Ms. Granger  back to her residence.

While the exact nature of their interaction remains unclear, whispers suggest they were seen holding hands earlier in the day while strolling through the Diagon Alley. This has inevitably led to speculation, with some wondering if this could be a potential romantic interest for Ms. Granger, particularly given the recent news surrounding Mr. Weasley and Miss. Sullivan.

The identity of Ms. Granger's companion is currently a mystery, shrouded in the shadows that naturally surround private lives. Our investigative team is dedicated to uncovering the truth and will provide updates as more information comes to light. 

It's important to note that some corners of the wizarding web are rife with unsubstantiated rumors. Some claim that this interaction was a "drunken adventure" or an attempt to spite  the happy couple.

This unexpected development comes amidst a period of personal change for Ms. Granger. While the details remain private, it's clear that her life is currently in flux. Perhaps this new companion offers a source of comfort or support during this "tough" time.

Only time will tell the true nature of this connection, but one thing remains certain: the wizarding world is eagerly awaiting further details. We wish Miss Granger good luck with this new suiter, as for her Valentine's day is not too far.


Rita Skeeter.

[There were two pictures with this article. One where Draco is holding Hermione by her waist and another where he is carrying Hermione into the apartment in his arms.] 

"That Bi***, I will do something to her", exclaimed Ginny.

"What was she thinking?", inquired Harry with a confused look.


Hermione was in her bathroom, wearing all the clothes she could gather from the bedroom floor. 

"What was I thinking?", asked Hermione to herself looking in the mirror. Hermione's reflection mocked her. Her hair was a disaster, mascara tracks like war paint. Panic hit. The night was a blur: The Althea, Malfoy, leaving... then nothing. Now, here she was, half-dressed in bed with Draco, also a mess. What had she done? Bigger question. How to face Malfoy who is probably still in her bed? 

She gathered all her courage and moved outside the bathroom. Malfoy was all dressed up in his clothes from last night. He was waiting for her in the living area of the apartment. 

"Malfoy, listen to me," Hermione started, voice tight. "Last night was a huge mistake."

Draco's smirk widened as he whipped out a copy of the Daily Prophet, practically shoving it in her face. "Is this how you treat your rescuers, Granger? Or should I say, 'source of comfort'?" His amusement was blatant, a glint of mischief dancing in his grey eyes.

"WHATTT!!!", exclaimed Hermione. That reaction was unexpected. "What do you mean 'source of comfort?", saying that she grabbed the Daily Prophet. She was shocked to see her on the front page, although it was not new to her. She grabbed the nearest chair and sat to read the article. Her expression contorted with each passing sentence. "This is utter insanity!!! And complete violation of my privacy.", she complained as she saw the pictures.

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