Why is it so hard to be confident?!

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Hermione's stomach lurched. Big mistake. A moment ago, she'd impulsively decided that she'd be visiting the War Memorial alone, a decision fueled entirely by the image it would project. Now she can imagine, the weight of scrutiny settled heavily on her. Every flashbulb from the paparazzi could feel like a physical blow. All she craved was a single, uninterrupted moment of peace, a world away from the relentless public eye.

It was a usual Monday but not for her. She was walking past the hallway to her cabin in between the sneer look from the people. No one could find the courage to look directly in her eyes. There was a tense aura around her making her very uncomfortable. All this because of one picture. She silently cursed Ron and Zoey for that.

"I am stronger than this", Hermione said to herself and made her way inside her cabin where a pile of work was waiting for her. Her work kept her away from the devious thoughts that were killing her inside.

"Leo can you pass me that draft for the new bill for wizard-muggle business relation law?", asked Hermione.

"Hermione, that has not been sent to us for review. I am afraid the legal team is still drafting it." Replied Leo.

"They are still drafting! I was told the draft was ready a week back.", complained Hermione.

"I am afraid that legal team is still at it. I will inform you as soon I will get it," replied Leo.

Hermione was almost done with her task for the day and was wondering if there is any pending task for her. It was when she realized it was almost time.

"Its already lunch time", exclaimed Hermione.

"Is there anything you want me take care of?", asked Leo.

"Hmm.. not at the moment," replied Hermione. Hermione was happy that she cleared all her task within time.

"Hey Leo, it has been a while since I have appreciated your efforts. You have been a great help. I want to treat you to a lunch for all your great help, if it is alright with you?"

"Thank you, Hermione for your appreciation, I will be delighted to have lunch with you," replied Leo with a big smile. The words of appreciation have made his day.

"Alright then, you can pick the place." Hermione and Leo left for dinner at one of the famous cafés in town.

Leo's choice for their lunch venue wasn't your typical eatery. Instead, he steered Hermione towards a pizzeria consistently rated among the town's finest. A flicker of excitement danced in Hermione's eyes as they entered the aromatic haven. Once they settled into their seats, a symphony of clinking glasses and lively chatter filled the air. Together, they perused the menu, eventually deciding on a generously sized pizza to share and refreshing drinks to quench their thirst.

With a satisfied sigh, Hermione leaned back in her chair. "So, Leo," she began, curiosity lacing her voice, "how are things at work these days? Anything particularly vexing you?"

A hint of amusement crinkled the corners of Leo's eyes. "Not at all, Hermione. Work is running smoothly. Actually, how about we stick to our 'no work talk' rule during these lunches, alright?"

"Absolutely, Leo," Hermione conceded with a sheepish grin. "My apologies for bringing it up."

A mischievous glint sparked in Hermione's eyes. "Alright then, spill the tea, Leo! What's new in your world? There's always some drama brewing, isn't there?"

Leo chuckled, a playful note dancing in his voice. "Not much, really. Just seeing someone new, a girl named Lata. She's an incredibly talented designer – you name it, she can create it. It's quite remarkable, really." "Wow... that's amazing, she seems really passionate about her work", Hermione replied being impressed by Leo's girlfriend.

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