Chapter 13

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" I'm leaving for New York tomorrow."

Annie received Jungkook's text at night. She immediately called him.

" And you're telling me now?" She asked, rubbing her eyes as she was sleepy.

" You're not going." He said.

" Why ?"

" Do you have a visa?"

"No. " Annie said and sighed.

" I'll be gone for two weeks." He said.

She felt a sting in her chest. He'd be gone for two weeks. Two weeks. If it was a month or two ago, she would've been the happiest person on this planet. But these newly discovered feelings and her heart's constant yearn for him caused tears to well up in her eyes.

"Hello? " he said after the long silence.

She gathered herself and said okay in a low voice.

" You were telling me something earlier?" He said with a shy smile on his face.

He didn't even know how he would respond to her if she confessed. He wasn't clear about his own feelings. He didn't want to dive into that corner of his heart at any cost. But he still harbored a strong urge to hear it from her. It was complicated.

Annie's face flustered. She was under his magical hypnosis before, but now she couldn't muster courage. And saying it on the phone wasn't a great idea. She wasn't even sure if he felt the same about her. She might have been sure if he was in front of her, and she looked into his eyes where she could never see anything else than immense love for her.

" Oh.. umm... I wanted to thank you.. I got emotional.."

" No, you said,'I think I..' " he mimicked her voice.

She felt annoyed at his good memory.

"I think I'm just so grateful to you for everything." She said and pressed her lips together.

He sighed and made a disappointed face.

" I won't burden you with much work behind me. Do everything slowly... no need to rush and take good rest and also study for your exam. " he said softly.

Her heart did its thing, and blood rushed to her cheeks again. He was hypnotizing her again. It took an extreme level of effort for her to stay sane at that moment. She wished she had recorded his voice. He was the first person ever to show this kind of consideration.

" Okay." She said slowly.

"I am leaving at 6 in the morning." He said for no reason.

"Hmm. Then go to sleep." She replied.

He wanted to talk more but said goodbye.

She quickly set her alarm at 5 so as to meet him before he left.


Annie was in the company's park, pretending to exercise. Hee ji was there too who wasn't pretending. As soon as Jungkook came out to sit in his car, she ran towards him.

" You're up so early? For me? " He said, suppressing his smile. He knew somewhere in his heart that she would come to meet him. That was why he told her the time.

" Oh, please! I'm just working out." She lied.

They both stood like that for a while, not saying anything. Then suddenly, their eyes met, and they couldn't take them off each other for quite a while. Small fringes escaped her ponytail due to wind. He found his chance to feel her skin and took it. Slowly, he tucked the hair strands behind her ear with his fingers. With his thumb, he felt her cheek gently.

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