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In the days that follow, I take rest for myself. I hardly leave my apartment. I fill my days with cleaning, cooking, reading and watching series. It feels good not to think about Eurovision for a while. The last few days have been hectic and I need my rest.

Besides, I've missed walking around in my jogging suit.

Now I also have the time to post more on my social media. Elio says I need to spend more time on this. Often I just don't have the inspiration for it.

I open Instagram, hit reels and head to the kitchen.

I put my phone against the wall and start filming.

"Hello guys, I'm taking you through the process where I attempt to make brownies. To all the people who know anything about cooking and baking, don't laugh at me. Very often in the kitchen I have no idea what I'm doing."

And so that is my occupation this afternoon. I try to follow all the steps of the recipe posted on the Internet and film myself as I bake.

An hour later, I then film the end result as well. "I actually don't know if it failed or succeeded. It doesn't look delicious at all, but it tastes good. Anyway, thanks for watching and I'll see you again soon!"

I edit the video and put it online. I am totally not the person who is going to spend hours on a video to put on Instagram. I do check the likes and comments regularly.

The positive comments are pouring in. There are people who say they have been laughing for the past 8 minutes and there are people who give me tips to do better next time.

After it's been online for half an hour, I get a notification on my phone.

- Joost Klein is now following you.

- Joost Klein has responded to your reel, "I don't know what's worse, your cooking skills or your sense of orientation.

His comment gets hundreds of likes and people ask what he means by it.

I respond to his comment. 'You watched the whole video to insult me? You have too much free time Joost Klein.'

-Joost Klein liked your comment.

2 days later I am in Amsterdam. Elio has arranged a van for us. We get off at our hotel. It is already dark. Elio arranges everything with the hotel rooms.

"Try to sleep well, everyone. I'll see you tomorrow at 8 a.m. at breakfast. There I'll go over the day with you."

So not much later, I am alone in my hotel room. I still feel like going out and having fun.

I still don't have Joost's number, so I can't call him.I open Instagram and send a DM to him.

'Hi, it's Livia. Are you doing something right now?"

His answer comes pretty quickly.'I'm just visiting the king. But I can always come back tomorrow.

His answer doesn't make any sense. 'Is that a joke or...?'

'Tell me what hotel you're in, I'll be there right away.'

I send him the address and am already heading out.

Not much later he's standing in front of me. "You know, have you ever heard of calling someone?"

I roll my eyes. "For that, I'd need your number first, stupid."

"And I thought I was going to be the person to ask for your number."

We hand out numbers and I look at him. 

"I want to get drunk with you."

Joost looks surprised. "Wait really?"

I grow impatient. "C'mon bring me to a club. Or should I find someone else for company?"

"Calm down, crazy woman. It's this way, follow me."

Half an hour later, Joost and I are in a crowded club. I can't stand crowds very well, so I try to get drunk quickly.

I order shots for us and I take them right after each other. "Since when do you like to drink so much?"

I shrug. "Every once in a while I let myself go."

Joost orders extra drinks. "ad fundum, okay?"

We empty our glass in 1 gulp. 

After a few more strong drink shots, I feel myself slowly getting drunk. I don't drink often, so it comes in stronger when I do.

I see Joost is starting to feel the alcohol as well.

"Dance with me!" I pull him from the bar to the dance floor and we dance. His eyes are only on me.

"You're a beautiful woman, Livia."

I'm too drunk to really realize what he said. "Tomorrow we're going to regret this."

Joost nods. "I don't care."

A new song starts and we continue dancing. Joost puts his hand on my hip. "You have no idea what you're doing to me, Livia Lissens."

In response, I take his other hand and place it on my other hip. "I'm glad you're here with me."

"Would you be angry if I kissed you?" 

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