Chapters 13 New Life

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/The Seeker POV:

   "You see Arianna? Do you understand the difference between nouns and verbs now?" I said to Arianna leaning against my desk that Arianna was sitting down looking down at papers that told what nouns and verbs were and some examples of them in sentences. "Uhhhhhh.... I... think." Arianna says hesitantly looking completely dumbfounded at what I had said to her.

   I let out a defeated sigh letting my shoulders drop "How about we take a break for a minute? I'll make you and I some tea." I say straightening back up and then walking over to my dresser where a white tea set lay on a tray. "O-oh... ok," Arianna said sheepishly, beginning to stack the papers up and place them on the corner of the desk, and putting the ink jar and quill beside the papers. I grabbed the tray holding the tea set brought it over and placed it on the cleared spot on the desk.

   I then dragged over the small bench at the end of my bed near the desk so I could sit down next to her. Which looked slightly awkward due to my height causing me to scrunch up as I started to pour the tea into the two cups for us. Then putting some sugar cubes in them, handing Arianna the cup on a saucer to let her stir her tea as I did mine.

   I stirred mine until the sugar was dissolved and then took a sip, my mask breaking open as I did. Arianna eyed me as my mouth opened still feeling a little uncomfortable seeing it happen even though she had seen it before when eating with me and our Lord, but she quickly looked away when she realized I was looking back at her.


   I heard being yelled through the void of my body causing me to perk up knowing who it was immediately. I set my cup down glancing at Arianna who could not hear the voice of our Lord. I stand up out of my seat "Arianna may you come with me I think our Lord has... uhhh discovered something... I think." This earns me a response from her. "Y-yes ma'am." She speaks setting her cup down before standing up.

   We both leave my room and go to my lord's room. I knock on the door with the door opening almost immediately by our Lord. Their eyes are wide with joy.

  "Seeker we have to go now!"

   My Lord says to me failing to contain their joy. "W-what? Why?" I say in confusion. My Lord then grabbed my arm and began dragging me down the hall.

  "I'll explain on the way"

   They say as the cloak they made from the void from their body flowed behind them unnaturally almost as if they had a mind of their own "I uhhh Arianna keep studying those nouns and verbs while I'm gone." I yelled from down the hall to Arianna as she looked at me in confusion. "I uhhhh... ok." She yells back to me watching as her god drags me down the hall.

   After a minute or two of running down the halls of the palace, my Lord finally starts to explain what is happening.

  "So you remember why I was reading all of the Pale Kings journals?"

   He says excitedly. "Uhhh you wanted to find a way to put back together your siblings?" I say trying not to get dragged across the floor by my Lord, who seemed to be completely oblivious to the matter.


   Their head turned away looking forward, their voice trailing off in thought, and getting quieter.

  "It's so simple, if I knew it was this easy I would have done this long ago."

   "Wait you figured out how to put your siblings back together?" I say with surprise and growing joy. My Lord gave me a nod. "W-wow that's absolutely wonderful." Joy is fully taking my voice as well. My Lord whips around a corner seeing Ogrim walking with Hornet who both just came back from a little hunting expedition to get more food since we were running a little low. With Hornet carrying a sack over something.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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