Chapter 27- Beanfest

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Your Pov...

Italics- thoughts


"Be good pups and sit now," Mr. Crewel demands. "It's time to assign groups... for Night Raven College's traditional Beanfest. Groups will be assigned by drawing lots. Students will come up to my desk and draw by the number of their assigned seat."

"'Beanfest'," Grim questioned. "Got any idea what that is?"

"I swear if we eat beans," I sigh. I was still sore from the Spelldrive tournament. Today was my first day being out of the infirmary. I was there for about 4 days because Shibishu wanted to keep an eye on me. A student who introduced himself as Sebek came in multiple times a day to make sure I was okay. I think Sebek is pretty sweet and caring.

"Y/n, you don't know what Beanfest is," Ace whispered in my ear. He was leaning on my shoulder.

"Do I look like I know what Beanfest is," I turn to look at Ace.

"I see we have a pair of ignorant whelps in our class," Mr. Crewel looks at me and Ace.

"I am not an ignorant whelp, thank you very much," I stood up from my seat. "But since you are directing your attention at us, I do have some questions."

"Now is not the time for questions," Mr. Crewel stops me, and I sit down in a huff. "Beanfest is a traditional Twisted Wonderland event that is held every year. Long ago, there was a place in this land called Happy Valley. It was called 'Happy' for a reason— it stood as a lush, fertile land if plenty. In this place was a magic harp that could sing with an enchantingly beautiful voice. The magic harp's singing brought happiness and prosperity to all the people and animals in the valley. Even the plants drank deep of its sound. But a giant grew jealous of their welfare, and one day, it came into the valley and stole the harp. After that, the plants withered, and the people went hungry. But lo, a certain farmer happened upon some beans. And not just any beans—magic beans! They sprouted into a massive beanstalk overnight, rising all the way up to the giant's home in the clouds. The farmer climbed the beanstalk to the top and took back the harp. After making his safe descent, he chopped down the beanstalk—and in so doing, slew the giant pursuing him. Thus was Happy Valley once again graced with the magical harp's crooning and abundant greenery. The end."

"Wow," I whisper in awe. "That's like the story of Jack and the beanstalk my aunt used to tell me."

"It's a parable with two morals: when someone takes something from you, take it back. And when someone wrongs you, get them back twice as hard," Mr. Crewel summarized.

"Ooh, I getcha," Grim said. "I'm feelin' more educated already."

"Grim has got plot armor and can learn," I giggle. Grim looked at me unamused.

"And that's why on Beanfest, people dressed as farmers 'slay' people in monster costumes by throwing beans at them, right," Deuce asked Mr. Crewel.

"Precisely," Mr. Crewel praised. "Good boy. Now at Night Raven College... We split the entire student body, regardless of dorm or class year, into two teams. The farmer team and the monster team compete for the harp in a massive cross-class athletic battle!"

"Wait, what," Ace exclaimed. "Why?"

"Traditionally, the monsters are SUPPOSED to stick to running around and getting pelted with beans..." Mr. Crewel explained. "But the students assigned to be monsters grew weary of it and hit the farmers back, turning it into a massive, chaotic brawl."

"Why am I not surprised," I sighed.

"If a brawl is inevitable regardless, then it only makes sense to turn it into an organized, competitive PE activity," Mr. Crewel smiled. "That's how Night Raven College's Beanfest tradition was born. That marks the end of my generously-offered remedial lesson! Now, then—Trappola. Spade. Y/n. Come up and draw your lots."

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