Chapter 26

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Your Pov...

Italics- thoughts

⦓Savanaclaw- Spelldrive Stadium⦔

"If you have that much power, why do this," Riddle shouted at Leona. It was kinda hard to hear over all of the sand.

"WHY," Leona mocked. "What do you care, kid? You gonna scold me? Try to talk me down? Don't you get it? Power alone ain't enough to make waves in this world. Look at Y/n here. They're like a muzzled dog. Pathetic, ain't it? Hard not to pity them. They would be in this position if they wasn't feeling so heroic. So much for not wanting to be involved."

"I couldn't let you hurt Ruggie," I gasped for air. The sand around me was so strong.

"That's enough," Jack yelled. "Unleash the Beast!" Jack used his signature spell and turned into what seemed like a giant wolf.

"What just—" Riddle exclaimed. Jack howled and growled at Leona. So he can transform too?!

"Whoa, what just—" Leona pulled me and we dodged a pounce attack from Jack.

"He broke Leona's concentration," Riddle said. "Off With Your Head!" A collar appeared around Leona's neck and the sand subsided. I moved away from Leona and was coughing, trying to get all the sand out of my lungs.

"That was beautiful, Riddle," Cater praised. "You stopped Leona's magic cold!"

"And he let go of Y/n," Deuce observed. "This way, quickly!" I make my way towards Deuce, but I am staggering a lot. I didn't even make it halfway to him before I collapsed.


3rd Pov...

"Sebek, let's get the wounded somewhere safe," the silver haired boy called out.

"Do not presume to order me around, Silver," Sebek snapped but still rushed over to grab the unconscious fox.

"No..." Leona grabbed the collar in shock. "No! You can't collar a lion! And Jack! How did you... Transformation potions are forbidden! Where did you get that?"

"I didn't use a potion—" Jack said as he changed back. "That's my signature spell. With it I can transform myself into a wolf."

"What's that your saying," Leona mockingly laughed at Jack. "Every dog has his day? Well I guess you had yours!"

"Housewarden Leona, I want you to know..." Jack frowned. "I only came to this school because of how much I admired you! What happened to the man you used to be?"

"Shut up..." Leona growled. "Your dreams got nothin' to do with me!"

"I understand the irony of me being the one to say it, but it pains me to see you like this," Riddle sighed. "You'd be wise to confine yourself to your room and try to calm down!"

"What do you know about how I feel," Leona snapped.

"Would that the lion king of the savanna could witness this absolute farce," Lilia says. "No, if you ask me, the collar suits you far better than a crown ever could."

"Huh," Leona looked at Lilia flabbergasted.

"You may bemoan the fact that you're not higher in line to be king," Lilia smirked. "But with that sensitive ego of yours? That so quickly directs all your petty anger at your retainers... Well, the idea of you ever contending with a REAL king like our Malleus— is absolutely laughable. Even if you COULD defeat Malleus, so long as that's how you choose to conduct yourself? You would never be fit to rule!"

A Fox Surrounded in Darkness (Twisted Wonderland x Encanto nb!reader)Where stories live. Discover now