Chapter 30- The Merchant from the Depths

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There was a ship in the waters during an intense storm.

<Sailor> Hurricane a'comin'! Stand fast! Secure the riggin'!

A lady appeared in the water and was helping an unconscious male. They make it to shore and the lady lays the man across the sand.

<Ariel> Look! He's breathing.

<Grimsby> Eric!

The lady jumped back into the waters and the man started to become conscious.

<Prince Eric> A girl...rescued me. She had the most...beautiful voice...

<Ariel> My heart... Oh, how it pounds! Yes. I know it. The day will soon come...part of your world!

<Flotsam and Jetsam> Heh heh heh...


Your Pov...

Italics- thoughts

❚█══Two weeks after Beanfest══█❚

Ah, I'm gonna be dealing with fishes. Does that mean I get to see Jade again?

"The trick to if there's two's a trick question..." Grim snored.

"Es hora de despertar," I sang to Grim, playing with Grim's hair.

"Don't surprise me like that," Grim growled. "You'll make me forget everything I memorized. Today's the last day of final exams, y'know. You and I are still technically one student put together, so you better not tank my grades!"

"Me...tank YOUR grades," I snarled. "I'm doing a lot better here than you are. Like how bad do you have to be to be worse than someone who has never been to school and has no idea how it works."

"Shut up," Grim growled. "I'm gonna show you with this exam how good I am."

⦕Small time skip...⦖


"The test is over, whelps," Mr. Crewel states. "Put your pens away and hand over your answer sheets like good little dogs. And with that, I do believe exams have come to a close." Everyone cheered. "Down! SIT! Don't start celebrating yet. Any bad boys who fare poorly in their exams...will be given mandatory remedial lessons over the winter holidays. Consider yourself warned. Class dismissed."

"Whew, FINALLY," Ace sighs once we leave the homeroom. "It's over!"

"I gave it my absolute best," Deuce smiled. "All that's left now is to wait for our scores to come back."

"No lousy test is a match for my brilliant mind," Grim gloated.

"Dudo que lo hicieras tan bien," I chuckled. "Parecía que estabas luchando un poco."

"Really," Ace looked at Grim, flabbergasted. "You guys usually look like your lives just flashed before your eyes after written exams. Now you're changing your tune?"

"You bet your bottom thaumark I am," Grim smirks. "Today marks the dawn of a new and improved me! You better be ready, 'cause soon you'll all be callin' me 'Galaxy Brain Grim' and beggin' for scraps of my knowledge."

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