Eighth Sip - Arrangements

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You were spacing out while staring down those castles and you knew that you were spacing out as well but were too lazy to come back. After wasting 15 minutes inorder to space back you started to think what you should do .

"Hmm...Amazon Lily right ? If I remember clearly then a warlord rules this island ...aaa...what was her name..aa...Bo- Bo..Oh yeah ! ''Boo Cock ''!", you say sounding happy cùz you were able to remember her name . [Really?]

"Umm...how should I get out of here ...ah wait ...I can earn some money while I am here since I didn't brought much cash with me ",you say .

Right after saying that you slide down the range excited by the thought that you will be opening a new business here. You reach down and started talking with the women around so that you can get the information about what you should sell here . [ money money yeah ~]

"Umm...excuse me ",you say to one of the women who was really tall ...like really really tall! !

'Huh?',she responded and turned around .

"Hello ( you greeted them and give a formal bow ) My name is L/n_Y/n pleased to meet you",you introduced yourself.

'Oh...hello ',the woman greeted back in a kind humble way.

"This is Amazon Lily right ? I actually came here by accident . So could you please tell me how to get out from here ",you ask them.

[waaa...our lady y/n is so well mannered hehe ...]

'Oh..so you came here accidentally. ..that's sad and yes this is Amazon Lily ',she responds.

"Yeah...so could you please help me ",you say in a very sad voice.
[Yeah my gurl keep the good act up ~]

'Oh..oh...please don't cry dear miss ,we will help you ',she said.

While you guys were chatting a few other women approach you guys . One of them was blonde with short hair and you thought she looks cute since it suites her , the other had a massive body like really chubby and her short brown hair were split into two and tied into a short pony tail. The other woman looked really spirited , she had long black hair which was tied in a high pony tail with cat eyes , pale skin and she was wearing a blue warrior suit .

[She is chubby not fat :) ]

'Who are you ! You don't seem to be from here !',the long black haired woman asked in high voice.

"Oh..Hello dear , My name is L/n_Y/n ,you say while slightly bowing with a small practiced smile on your face.

'Kikyo ! She is not a bad person ! We should help her !', the kind tall woman said to the long black haired one .

'Aphelandra!  You can't just trust on anyone you just met moreover outsiders are not allowed to come to Amazon Lily !', the long black haired woman called Kikyo oppsosed .

'Yes Aphelandra, Kikyo is right . We will get into a big trouble if the ''Snake Princess'' finds out about this ', the chubby woman said .

'B...but Sweet Pea ', Aphelandra sighed.

Then the three women turned towards you and Kikyo stepped closer towards you . While the blonde girl kept staring at you from head to toe .

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