4.hope ur ok

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chapter 4.
hope ur ok
"she was tired cause she was brought into a world where family was merely blood."

gwen ran her fingers along the side of a fence, causing it to make a rattling sound as finney, gwen and avery walked side by side again. as they were walking, finney and avery looked towards the bullies as they passed by and gwen noticed too.

"what was that?" the smaller girl asked.

finney just sighed and turned back to his sister, "nothing."

"i'm stating over at susie's tonight. it's friday so you know what that means." gwenny said to her brother.

"i'll look after dad." finney nodded as they parted ways with his sister.

"i'll be home in the morning." gwenny said, "and you better not eat all the ice cream."

this made finney and avery chuckle. the boy turned to avery and they kept walking as he grabbed her hand and she giggled.

"so, you coming to robin's tonight?" finney asked her, hoping they could spend time together while they helped robin with his math.

"i would, but my parents are home early tonight." she answered and finney nodded.

they strolled hand in hand down the street in a comfortable silence until they reached avery's house.

"by finn." she smiled and waved at the boy as she opened the gate and ran up her porch steps.

"bye." he said quietly, watching as the girl entered her house, a smile on his face.

she woke up in a sweat and panic.

what. the. fuck.

last night, avery had the strangest dream. one about the missing kids. she saw each one getting thrown into a basement. a dark, creepy basement. but it was all so real. the one thing she didn't see was the grabber. just as she was about, she woke up.

she quietly stepped out of bed, creeping down the hallway towards her parents bedroom. she creaked the doorway and slowly approached her mom's side of the bed.

she gently shook the woman, who woke with a gasp, along with her father.

"mom." the girl's voice shook with fear, "i had a nightmare."

her mom rubbed her eyes with disappointment, "oh, for fucks sake, avery. you're not five, go back to sleep."

"no, mom. this one was really real." she spoke, "it was about the missing kids. about noah."

at this statement, her father bolted from his bed and went straight towards the girl who's eyes grew in fear.

"don't fuck with us, you little bitch." her father spat with venom, dragging his daughter by her collar into the kitchen, her mom following with tears streaming down her face, "look what you did to your poor mother. don't you dare say your dream is real and then mention his name. you know what you did. you left him alone, and he got snatched by that monster. it's your fucking fault, avery."

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