6.end of the world

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chapter 6.
intro (end of the world)
"if the sun refused to shine"

"'oh, finney, your girlfriend, avery, is so cool! i wish i had a boyfriend to protect me like her.'" gwenny imitated donna's words from eralier. the girl had not stopped teasing finney and abery the whole way home and now she was making kissing noises at the pair, "'yeah, my girlfriend is so awesome!'"

"stop." finney told her, but he was having trouble controlling the smile on his face and avery was walking with her head down, trying to conceal the pink blush that crept into her cheeks. "shut up, you jerk." finney told his sister who still continued to make kissing nosies at them.

gwenny laughed and then said, "all right, see you tomorrow."

"where you going?" finney asked her.

"i'm staying over at susie's tonight. it's friday so..." gwenny answered and finney nodded, remembering.

"i'll look after dad." he told her and gwenny smiled.

"have fun, lovebirds." gwenny said making finney and avery even more flushed with embarrassment.

"shut up." avery chuckled as they watched gwen leave.

after gwenny had left the pair, finney turned to ask the girl what he'd been wondering all day, "hey, av?"

"yeah?" she answered, turning to her friend with a smile.

"what happened to your hip?" finney had noticed earlier in biology when avery stood to leave that there was a large bruise situated on top of avery's hip.

the girl's smile faltered and she looked at her feet, "nothing." she answered but finney didn't believe her.

"avery." he said sternly as he stopped, gaining her attention again, "what aren't you telling me?"

the girl still wouldn't look her friend in the eye, she shuffled uncomfortably and kicked her feet, wanting nothing more than to drop the topic.

"av." finney stepped closer to her and put a finger underneath her chin, directing her face to look at his, "was it your dad?"

avery nodded slowly and finney pulled her into his chest, wrapping his arms around the shorter girl.

"has he done it before?" finney asked and every shook her head 'no', the boy sighed and told her, "i'm gonna kill him."

finney and avery had been walking for a few minutes when they came across a black van reading, 'abracadabra'. avery glanced nervously at the boy beside her, who shared the same look.

but suddenly, someone tripped up in front of them. a man with as white painted face, sunglasses and a black top hat, began picking up his shopping that had slipped from his hands.

"well, isn't that just peachy keen?" he laughed to himself as finney and avery came to a stop.

"you need some help?" finney asked the man and avery shot him a look, telling him she had a bad feeling about the stranger man.

"you see that?" the man laughed, holding a smashed up to them and they both shared a nervous laugh. "would you hand me my hat?" the man asked and finney picked it up from the floor, passing it to him.

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