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chapter 5.
"don't cry, i'm just a freak."

the summers' house phone blared through the family home.

"hello?" daniel summers answered it as jennifer and avery watched tv together, "yes, this is daniel. oh, i understand. sorry for your loss. i'll tell her. thank you." he hung up the phone and joined the girls in the living room, "avery." her cleared his throat before saying, "do you know robin arellano?"

"um, yeah, he's friends with finney and i, why?" avery answered, still on edge from the events of yesterday.

daniel couldn't bring himself to look in his daughters eyes when he answered, "he's gone missing. that was his father." after presenting her with the news, he left the room.

jennifer immediately took her daughter in her loving arms and comforted her and she cried softly, mourning her friend.

finney ran in panic from the bullies but they caught up to him. they threw punches and kicked the boy violently as gwenny and avery ran to his rescue.

"fucking cock-sucking cowards!" gwen shouts, picking up a rock from the ground and smashing one of the boys' heads with it. "fuck you, too, ugly-ass face." she threw the rock at another one of the boys but he managed to dodge and gwenny was thrown to the ground.

"get off her!" avery screamed as the boy kicked gwenny in the face, but her attempts to help didn't last very long either as when she charged at the boy, she too was thrown to the ground and kicked.

"gwen! av!" finney shouted but was shut up by another kick to the stomach.

gwen made her way to sit against a fance but avery got up. she was not going to let anyone beat up finney. she tapped one of the boys on the shoulder lightly and when he turned around, his face met her fist and he doubled over, clutching his nose in his hands.

with only one boy standing, he sent one last kick to finney before running to escape the fate of suffering he would face from avery.

the girl held a hand out to finn and helped him to his feet, where they, along with gwen, went to class together.

"all right, class." they're teacher spoke, "it is the day you've been dreading all semester. frog dissection day." the class pulled disgusted faces at the dead frogs that lay on their table, "uh, pick a partner. remember, you will be paired with this partner for the rest of the year."

avery went to stand, but when she looked towards finney, donna had already sat beside him. so, instead, avery sat beside some random kid infront of finney.

"those guys are assholes." donna told finney.

"what?" he asked, not expecting her to have seen.

"this morning?" she said, "everybody's talking about it."

"oh." finney said, not really wanting it to be their topic of conversation.

"your sister's really cool, though. you're girlfriend too." at this, avery almost turned to say something, but refrained, wanting to hear more, "i wish i had someone like that who'd stick up for me. she can throw some good punches too."

avery was expecting finney to correct donna but she didn't hear anything. when she turned round, finney just smirked and said to donna, "yeah, she's awesome."

"eyes up here." the teacher interrupted their conversation, "all right, let's cut open a frog."

we all know what happens next 😟😕
anyways, what do we think????

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