7.dear reader

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chapter 7.
dear reader
"dear reader,
if it feels like a trap, you're already in one"

it was dark outside. jennifer summers began panicking about her daughter's whereabouts. suddenly, the phone rang. jennifer bolted out her chair and answered it.

"hello, jennifer? daniel?" a rough voice sounded from the other line.

jennifer gasped out, "mr. shaw! is avery there with you?"

mr. shaw let out a shaky sigh, "is she not at home? finney's not home either. i was hoping you had him."

jennifer let out a cry, "oh god. oh god, not again. i'm sorry, mr. shaw, but i have to go." jennifer hung up the phone and fell to the ground.

her hands shook as they supported her head, salty tears falling fast from her eyes. daniel stood and put a comforting arm around his wife.

she looked at him before she violently shrug his touch away, "you!" she stood from the floor, "this is all your fault!"

"how is this my fault, jennifer! i didn't hire the grabber to catch her." daniel argued back.

"how do i know you didn't?" she asked him, pointing an accusing finger at him.

"are you crazy?" he sighed, "who am i kidding? of course you are! you're fucking crazy! you lost your youngest child and now your oldest!"

"you fucking wished he'd catch her! you said it last night!" jennifer screamed before she ran for the bedroom door, locking it behind her.

daniel pounded on the locked door as his wife hurriedly grabbed a suitcase and began shoving clothes inside.

"jennifer!" he screamed, "open the door jenn! open the fucking door!"

daniel kept pounding as jennifer grabbed the stash of money they kept under their mattress and she was ready.

silently, jennifer grabbed the now closed suitcaes and slid their bedroom window open and jumped down, her feet reaching the soft grass.

she ran, and she ran, and she ran, until she reached the home of her best friend, max.

finney and avery both awoke to the sound of a phone ringing. when avery went to get up, she noticed finney's arms were wrapped around her. noticing this too, he sheepishly let go, allowing her to get up.

"it was coming from the phone." she whispered to him, walking towards the broken phone on the wall.

"but it's broken, av." finney told her, lying his head back down.

"finn, it was way too close to be the one upstairs. maybe it works." she picked the black phone up in her hand and brought it to her ear, but what she heard made her freeze.

"it doesn't work." the grabber was behind her, "not since i was a kid. hang it up."

finney sat up at the sound of his voice and looked to avery. the girl kept hold of the phone but she turned to face the masked man as he turned the basements lights on.

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