𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉ℯ𝓇 𝓉𝓌ℯ𝓃𝓉𝓎 ℯ𝒾𝓰𝒽𝓉

226 5 4

         " 𝐔𝐡 𝐨𝐡, 𝐈'𝐦 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞."

                      ⇆ « Ⅱ » ↺

" we're back!" Someone exclaimed, waking me up from my nap.

I noticed that I was leaning on something, this something being pablos shoulder.

" shit, sorry." I said, getting off from his shoulder.

" you're good." He replied, giving me a small smile.

We all went to the kitchen table to eat.

" where's lover boy 2.0?" Ale asked, setting down fries on the table.

" upstairs." I state.

" someone go get them." Diego mummbled.

" i'll go." Pablo said, getting up from his chair.


" pedri?" I ask before entering madisons room.

When I got no response, I cracked the door open a bit.

" madison?" I whisper but again, no answer.

I came closer to the bed, just to see them asleep and cuddling.

I chuckle and snap a picture of them to anoy pedri with it later.

I made my way downstairs again to join the others.

I stopped before entering, taking a look at them.

Isabella was having a discussion with ale while eating and diego was just laughing. It's good seeing them get along.

" they are sleeping." I aknowledge before slumping down next to isabella.

" more food for me!" Ale smiled, reaching in the bag.

" fuck off." Isabella grubled, slapping his hand away.

" they might want to eat later, dumbass." She stated.

" fine!" He moaned, throwing his head back.

" you guys staying over?" She asked, looking at ale and diego.

" my mammy wants me home." Ale moaned.

" same." Diego stated.

" oh okay." She replied, shoving another fry in her mouth.

Half an hour later we all finished eating and shortly after diego and ale left.

" well i'm going to bed." Isabella stated, making her way upstairs.

" find yourself a room!" She exclaimed and dissapeared.

Madisons house was huge, but it didn't compare to isabellas.

I was able to find a room pretty quick and went to bed myself.


I woke up at like 4 to drink fucking water. I made my way downstairs, almost tripping down every step, but thankfully making it down in one piece.

I poured myself a glass of water and sat down.

There was a noise, causing me to almost fall of my chair.

" hello?" I whisper.

" don't piss your pants, peréz." A familiar voice spoke up.

" whatever." I chuckle, taking another sip of water.

" why are you sitting in the dark?" He asked, voice raspy.

𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐬 Where stories live. Discover now