𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉ℯ𝓇 𝒻ℴ𝓊𝓇𝓉𝓎 ℯ𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉

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"  𝐈'𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐞

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" you are such a kid!" I laughed as I kneeled down to tie pablos shoe laces.

" I so am not!" He chuckled.

"You so are tho." I giggled.

"Whatever you say." He huffed.

"Why exactly are we here?" I asked once we arrived at an empty pitch.

" Because I'm bored and want to play football?"
He replied as he started taking stuff out of his gear bag.

" Do I look like I play football?" I groaned.

" I saw you save a volleyball with your foot, so
yes." He stated.

"That was purely accidental!" I hissed as he handed me the ball.

" Pass me the ball." He mumbled.

" And what If I don't?" I teased.

" Pass me the ball peréz." He groaned.

" okay, jeez!" I exclaimed and passed him the ball.

"that was good!" He flashed me a bright smile.

" I so don't wanna do this." I whined and threw my head back.

" Do it for your bored boyfriends sake." He smiled.

" Thats so not cool of you." I laughed.

" But It worked, didn't it?" He laughed and passed me the ball again.

" your seeing me pass the ball back, right?" I huffed.

" Im not blind, right?" He teased.

" Says the guy who always asks me what the teacher wrote on the board!" I hissed and passed the ball back.

" Thats because we sit all the way in the back!"
He whined.

" would you prefer sitting in the front with mia?" I said in a playfull tone.

"no ma'am."

" good." I winked.

" just so you know, your getting me ice cream after this." I warned.

" yes ma'am." He laughed.

"What's the matter, you look tired." he grinned after he made me run across the whole fucking pitch like ten times. Well not really run because I can't do that.

" I don't know, you just 1v1 me and made me run like a lot?" I huffed out of breath.

" That was nothing!" He laughed.

" That was enough!" I hissed.

" you are no fun and you can't even run." He frowned.

"You did not just say that." I bit back a smile.

" oh yes I did." He teased.

" Go get Mia, she plays football and she can do the running I can't for you." I crossed my arms over my chest and faked being mad.

" okay, okay Im sorry." He whined.

" not enough." I turned my head away from him to hide my smile.

" I am so so so sorry Isabella." He chuckled.

" fine." I rolled my eyes.

" still not cool of you." I hissed.

" I apologize for my behavior." He stated.

" okay." I gave him a thumbs up.

" now let's go get you that ice cream." He said before he pulled me by the hand.

" well maybe I should just go." I mumbled.

" oh right." He frowned and let go of my hand.

" You want something?" I asked.

" nah im good." He mumbled and started playing again.

" what's up?" I asked madison when I picked up her call.

" im having an existential crisis right now."  She said in a panicked tone.

" okay calm down, why are you having a crisis?" I asked as I picked out my favorite ice cream and some for Pablo too.

" I just watched my girl and Im crying now." She sniffled.

" Be so for real right now." I hissed.

" I am 100% being for real." She whined.

" oh my god." I hissed.

" Im serious, it's so depressing!" She exclaimed and a little sob escaped her.

" then don't watch it?" I offered as I got in line to pay.

"Not helping!" She sobbed.

" im not exactly sure what to do here." I stated as I scratched the back of my head.

" Nothing, I just needed someone that listens to my yapping." She mumbled.

"Happy to help?" I laugh as I started walking back to Pablo.

" why did he have to die tho!" She sobbed.

" Madison it's  a movie."

" Where even are you?" She asked in a sharp tone.

" outside?" I replied as I shushed pablo.

" I'm just gonna pretend I believe you." She chuckled.

" Well im gonna eat ice cream now bye mate."
Mads laughed and then hung up.

" What was that all about?" Pablo chuckled.

" Oh you know mads." I laughed and handed him his ice cream.

"  Thanks." He smiled.

" eh no problem?" I blushed because I still get shy talking to him.

" your blushing!" He laughed as he took a bite of his ice cream.

" I so am not! And why do you bite your ice cream you weirdo?"  I hissed.

" You are. And If I don't  bite it its gonna melt!"
He exclaimed.

" whatever." I huffed and rolled my eyes.

" Hey we said no eye rolling!" He laughed.

" and I have to listen to you because?" I teased.

" Well you don't  have to but it would be nice if you would." He said in a shy tone as he looked down.

"You're making me sound like im an asshole." I chuckled as I placed a kiss on his forehead.

" Im not!" He laughed.

" sureeee."

𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐬 Where stories live. Discover now