Taking care

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———— Aaron Hotchner, Spencer Reid.

The young doctor Reid is in his apartment. He's lonely and drunk, really drunk. At least, he was drunk. Reid didn't want to call any of his friends, but then he decided to call his boss, the agent Aaron Hotchner.


"Reid, it's 7am on our free-day. I hope this is important."

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to interrupt anything, really. If you want, I can... I don't know, leave you alone, if you wanna."

"No, just tell me."

Spencer sighs, regretting his desicion.

"I'm drunk. And I'm alone right now. Did you know that people who feel lonely are at higher risk for many diseases, including heart disease, high blood pressure, and Alzheimer's disease?"


"And I really feel lonely. I don't have company, and I want someone that takes care of me. You know that, when I was a kid, I didn't have a dad or... something similar. My mom was sick, really sick, so I taked care of myself. I'm tired of that, Hotch." The youngest man feels a need to cry very strong. "I want someone in my life. I feel so lonely."

"I'm coming for you. Stay there, and don't do anything dumb, did you hear me?"

"Yeah." Spencer looks at his books and sighs.

"I'll be there soon. Wait for me."

Aaron hangs up and starts to get ready. Soon, he's on his car, riding so he can get into his friend's house. The FBI agent feels like something bad is happening with his young friend, so he is driving fast.

Meanwhile, doctor Reid is lying on his couch, looking out the window. It's cold outside, and it looks like it's going to rain. Spencer liked that weather, because he could read. Well, he could read anyways.

"What if I'm anoying Hotch?" The young doctor asked for himself, feeling more lonely. "God, I'm an idiot."

Someone's at the door. Spencer walked there and opened it when he saw his friend in the other side. Hotch looks at the young agent, who looks tired and drunk, so Aaron closed the door and pulled him carefully so Reid can rest on his bed.

"I'm sorry, Hotch. I'm so sorry."

"Why, Reid?"

Spencer just closed his eyes. Aaron put him on the bed, checking that he was comfortable and in a good position, in case he needed to throw up.

It was 2pm, and Aaron was worried about his young friend. Reid was sleeping like a baby, but the oldest one needed to scold him. He couldn't drink like that! He was drunk, AND lonely. Hotch was very angry with poor doctor Reid.

"Spencer, wake up. We need to talk."

"Hmm... five more minutes, dad."

"Dad?" Aaron whisper, confused. "Wake up, young man. We're talking as soon as posible."

The young doctor opened his eyes, looking at his friend and boss. Hotch is sitting on the bed, close to Reid. The home owner looks at Aaron, who helps him to sit next to him.

"You we're drunk, and you didn't feel good, young man. You can't wait until you're feeling lonely and drunk to talk to me! That's dangerous, you could do something really bad or unhealthy, Spencer. I need to punish you."

"Hotch, come on, you're acting too dramatic. It wasn't my fault."

"Stop, Spencer."

"It wasn't my fault!"

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