Get used to the new you

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The level of care I was receiving felt unfamiliar after being with Chris for such an extended period. All I could focus on was the overwhelming terror that engulfed me.

The sterile white walls had metamorphosed into a fortress of solitude, silently observing the steady comings and goings of the nurses as they administered medications. Almost a week had passed since my admission. Damian remained a steadfast presence, his eyes exuding nothing but genuine care and compassion.

"Chasity, I wanted to let you know that Chris left the state a few days after you were admitted. I've taken the initiative to gather most of your belongings at my house if that's okay with you." I shake my head, trying to force a smile onto my face.

"Thank you for everything, Damian," I sighed as I raised my gaze from the table, feeling a mix of emotions swirling within me. Damian gently took hold of my hand, his touch providing a sense of comfort and understanding. "Chas, I allowed you to remain in that relationship even after discovering what he was subjecting you to."

He tenderly brushed a few loose strands of hair away from my face, his eyes reflecting a deep sense of remorse. "We were friends long before he entered the picture, and I chose to ignore the truth. Consider this my plea for your forgiveness," Damian said, his voice filled with sincerity and regret.

I let out a small chuckle and gently removed his hand from mine, hoping to convey warmth and understanding. "Let's consider this a fresh start," I say softly, with a tinge of sadness in my voice, as I stand up and place my hand on Damian's shoulders for a moment of reassurance. "I'll make sure to reach out to you once they finalize the date."

I was confined for a few days, and the long-awaited moment of my release had finally arrived. Damian arrived slightly behind schedule, but I greeted him with a smile as I handed over my belongings. Curiously, I asked, "Why are you late?" My gaze shifted to the faded bruise on my wrist. Opening the door for me, Damian responded, "I was busy preparing the room for your arrival."

As I fastened the seat belt securely across my chest, I could feel the weight of Damian settling into the seat beside me. Sensing the apprehension in my eyes, he reached out and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "I understand that it will take time for you to adjust to a life without Chris," he said, his voice gentle and reassuring. "But I assure you, I'll be here every step of the way to support you through this." everything will be alright." He acknowledged the journey ahead, adding, "It may feel unfamiliar at first, but I'll be here to support you as you embrace your newfound freedom."

I chuckle placing his hand back on his lap, "Let's just get to your house so you can show me where I'll be sleeping." He shakes his head driving off.
My heart raced with anxiety as if a blaring warning signal had been set off in my mind. It felt as though I had stumbled into a carefully crafted trap set by Damian himself. To my surprise, Damian appeared to have an almost supernatural ability to sense my unease. He kindly held the door ajar, giving me a chance to collect my thoughts and steady my racing heart.

In a calm and comforting voice, he spoke softly, "Chas, please know that I would never even consider creating a scenario that could cause you any kind of distress." His words enveloped me like a warm embrace, providing comfort and reassurance. I nodded in understanding and carefully entered the house, my eyes quickly scanning the surroundings for any potential signs of danger.

After settling into our new surroundings, Damian took it upon himself to create a delicious meal for us. The enticing aroma filled the air, and as I breathed it in, a soft sigh escaped my lips, signaling a moment of much-needed relaxation. It was an opportunity for me to embrace the new environment and adjust to the unfamiliar surroundings. Finally, I could unwind and recharge, finding solace in Damian's company and the new experiences that lay ahead.

As the days went by, I found myself increasingly at ease in Damian's company. His genuine warmth and hospitality made me feel truly welcomed. Small, thoughtful gestures and his attentive nature created an environment of comfort that allowed me to relax and enjoy my time with him. However, despite his efforts, I couldn't shake the growing sense of self-doubt that began to overshadow the joy I found in his company.

One evening, as we sat together in a rare quiet moment, I found myself unable to keep the weight of my insecurities to myself any longer. With a gentle and understanding tone, Damian addressed the unspoken tension, acknowledging my feelings of burden. "Chas," he said softly, his eyes filled with empathy, "I want you to know that having you here is not a burden at all. I am genuinely enjoying your presence."

At that moment, I felt a deep connection with Damian, as if he truly understood me. However, I couldn't help but feel a bit anxious about the possibility of getting hurt. With a deep breath, I responded, "I believe I therapy," Damian flashed a warm smile, his hand hovering in the air as if he were considering resting it on my shoulder. "I believe I shouldn't touch you unless I have your permission. Maybe that will make a difference," he chuckled, placing his hand back by his side.

After that day, Damian and I committed ourselves wholeheartedly to my personal growth. Although I was hesitant at first, I slowly found the strength to open up and share my thoughts and feelings more freely. "I'm incredibly proud of you," Damian whispered, his voice filled with gentle support, as we weaved our way through the lively corridors of the mall.

A warm smile spread across my face as I gently touched his shoulder, conveying my newfound contentment. "I prefer this version of myself," I confessed, allowing a soft sigh to escape my lips as we finally emerged from the chaotic embrace of the crowded mall. The thought of the future stirred in my mind, prompting me to voice a consideration that had been lingering quietly. "Perhaps it's time I started looking for my own place. Living with you has been wonderful, but I can't help feeling that your family might be eager for some space."

Damian's response was an uproarious laugh, filled with genuine amusement, shattering my concerns with the ease of his mirth. "Mom adores having you around; she sees you as a daughter," he assured me, his laughter still coloring his voice. "Besides, she's always lamenting about the overwhelming presence of testosterone at home. You're more of a blessing to her than you realize."

I was getting used to the new me.

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