Let Me Help You

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Here I was once again sitting in the corner, numerous dark purplish bruises littering my right forearm, hair sticking to my face from tears and sweat.
This wasn't the first time and it surely wasn't going to be the last.
The bass in his voice made my heart drop to my stomach, I sat there with my hand covering my black and blue face, " get up," he roared as he grabbed a chunk of my stringy black hair.
"Chasity what the fuck did I tell you about that shit," he screamed as he smashed his hand into my face.
This was my reality every time I did the slightest thing that displeased him. I could feel the warm blood drip down to my chest from my lip.
My vision began to blur as his hand connected with my face. I could hear the sound of cartilage snapping.
"Fuck, chastity I'm so sorry," he scream as he saw the blood rush down from my nose.
I lay there in pain with the blood all over my hand as Chris moved away, I hesitated before picking myself up and moving over toward him.
"Chasity I'm so sorry I didn't mean to take it that far, " he cried as he pulled my bloody and bruised body closer to his, " It's my fault I should've known better I deserved it, you only did it because you love me," I cried stroking his soft brown skin.
I could see the hurt in his beautiful gray eyes as the tears rolled down his cheeks, I smiled and brought his face towards mine letting our foreheads touch " I love you, Chris," I said in a cracked voice, "I love you too and I'm so sorry," he said through sobs.
I placed a soft bloody kiss on his neck, as he grabbed my lower back "I'm sorry I should've known better," I spoke softly into his ear "Chasity I'm sorry," Chris said while rubbing my thighs before I could speak the bell rings.
He gently moved me and walked towards the door, "wassup Chris," I heard a familiar voice speak, I quickly grabbed the cover that was lying on the couch and covered my bruised body.
"Hey Chasity," the familiar person said, peering over the couch, I looked over towards chris for assurance to speak as he shook his head yes, "Hello Damian," I kept my eyes on my fingers trying not to make eye contact as the blood continued to leak.
I could feel his glare burning through the side of my cheek, I wiped my nose on the covers and looked over at Chris, he looked me over with pleading eyes pressing his index finger to his plush lips.
The sound of bells fills up the silent room. Chris sighs softly as he slides his phone out of his pocket. Damian eyes remain trained on me.
" I have to go check on my mother real quick give me a few minutes," he said as he walked through the front door.
After the door shut Damian came closer to me, "Chasity I see the blood and the bruises why don't you just leave him," he spoke.
I gazed upon his features as he waited for an answer.
Damian possesses a captivating charm with soft tan skin resembling a fusion of Jeff Satur and Park Jimin. His eyes hold a depth and intensity reflecting both celebrities, while his facial structure combines Jeff Satur's chiseled features with Park Jimin's youthful charm. Damian's lips are soft and inviting, and his eyebrows frame his expressive eyes. He exudes grace and sophistication. Beyond his looks, Damian is kind, compassionate, intelligent, and witty, making him a captivating conversationalist. Overall, Damian is a captivating blend of beauty, charm, and kindness, leaving a lasting impression on others.

In terms of physique, Damien balances both a lean and athletic build, maintaining a well-toned physique that exudes strength and grace.

"Chasity,?" He called bringing me back to reality, I shifted my eyes back down towards my feet. Making him call my name again, "Chasity!" he called putting a little more bass in his voice causing me to jerk my head up.
I pulled the covers over me in fear Damian might hit me for not speaking.
"I'm not gonna hurt you," he said reassuring me, as he picked me up off the floor, "tilt your head so the bleeding will stop" he spoke softly.

I nodded gently pinching the bridge of my nose and tilted my head back. When we finally made it to the room, he placed me on the silk satin sheets. Before I could say 'thank you,' his phone rang.
I pressed my lips together and stayed silent, watching Damian move around the room with every word he said.
"He's on his way back," he said, slipping his phone into his back pocket, I nodded my head, as he slipped out the door.
I sighed and slid off the bed and crawled towards the attached bathroom.
I began to strip out of my clothes as the pain shot through me with every piece I took off. I felt the tears sting my eyes as I sat on the cold white tiled floor. with my bare body exposed.
"Chasity you in here?" Chris asked as he peered into the bathroom, I just stared at the tub as he came closer, "Here I got it," he said, I flinched as his hand reached over to turn on the water.
I pulled myself up into the warm tub and sat there, thoughts rushing into my head. I held my breath as I went under closing my eyes. The only thought on my mind that kept repeating was to end it.
Memories began to flash through my mind, all the self-hating over the years, not being good enough for anyone. The water filled my lungs, I could feel myself slipping out of consciousness.
I grip the side of the tub as I stay under, this is what I wanted to let go of all the pain.
I slowly opened my eyes and lifted from the water all the pain was gone and the bruises had disappeared.
A soft sight escapes my lips as I finally feel free.
I climbed out of the tub only to look back and see my lifeless body lying in the tub as the water spilled over the sides, I sat there and looked at all the bruises I had received over the many years of being with him. The countless times I've blamed myself for him doing the things that he did. The self-loath. I just wanted it to end but this wasn't the way I thought I'd end up.

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