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After enduring constant fighting and mistreatment from Damian, I reached a breaking point. Mentally exhausted and feeling overwhelmed, I realized that going through pregnancy alone was something I couldn't bear. Filled with a sense of desperation, I made the difficult decision to leave everything behind and start fresh.

With fear lurking in the background, I was determined to create a new life for myself, one that would be far better than the one I had found myself in. I ran away without a specific destination in mind, but I knew deep down that I needed to escape from whatever toxic situation I was in. As I embarked on this journey, the weight of my past mistakes began to haunt me, filling me with guilt.

Feeling lost and burdened, I found myself seeking solace at my father's gravesite. With tear-stained cheeks, I cried out, longing to release the weight that held onto me. At that moment, it felt as if my dad's presence enveloped me, providing me with a comforting warmth. Taking a deep breath, I gathered myself together, finding a renewed sense of determination.

Hours later, I decided to book a bus ticket to South Carolina, a step towards a fresh start. As I boarded the bus, a deep voice broke through my thoughts, asking if I was okay, noting my swollen cheeks and red eyes. I turned to face the source of the voice and was met with a warm smile and dimples on display. " Xavier," he introduced himself, extending his hand. Nervously, I shook his hand and mumbled my name, Chaisty, before turning my gaze towards the window.

Xavier persisted, his curiosity evident. "What's a pretty girl like you looking like someone just broke your heart?" he asked. I shook my head, not wanting to delve into my struggles. "There's not much to say. I'm just moving down south," I replied, hoping he would catch the hint. However, instead of understanding, his laughter filled the silent bus, making me feel like a joke. Irritated, I rolled my eyes and shifted uncomfortably in my seat, desperately wanting to find some peace.

"Can you please leave me alone? I just want to get some sleep," I requested, hoping he would take the hint this time. Finally, Xavier obliged, putting on his headphones and leaving me in solitude. With a sigh of relief, I closed my eyes and drifted off into a much-needed slumber, the weariness of my journey finally catching up to me.

As the bus finally arrived at our destination, a jolt of anxiety coursed through me when a large hand touched my shoulder. I instinctively recoiled, unsure of what awaited me. But to my surprise, Xavier's touch was gentle and comforting. He spoke in a reassuring voice, letting me know that we had arrived and expressing concern for my well-being. His genuine care touched my heart.

Unable to hold back my emotions any longer, I shook my head and let the tears flow freely from my eyes. Without saying a word, Xavier took my hand and helped me up, guiding me off the bus. His offer to stay with him until I figured things out was unexpected and kind. In that vulnerable moment, I felt a glimmer of hope.

Looking back now, I realize that agreeing to stay with him was my first mistake. Blinded by my need for support and a temporary refuge, I failed to see the warning signs. The first few days seemed like a dream, as Xavier appeared to be caring and understanding.

However, by the second month, his true colors began to emerge, revealing a darkness I had not anticipated. It was as if an evil presence had finally unmasked itself, shattering the illusion of safety and stability.

Xavier had completely changed and in that moment all I could think about was Damian and what he had said. I found myself back in the same predicament that I once was with Chris.

I realized I had some bad intentions, wanting to be loved for what I used to be by people who weren't worthy of my time. Did I truly love myself? Did I know my self-worth?

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