Chapter 1

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Amity stared intensely at the clock, as it slowly ticked closer and closer to noon for her lunch break. She watched the second hand each time it moved, waiting for it to pass the 12 on the clock so she could go get some food. Masha noticed how focused Amity was on the clock, and tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention. Amity's head whipped around to see them.

"I know it's almost your break, but theres still a line..." Masha pointed to the few customers in line at the till, waiting to pay. Amity sighed and quickly scanned everyone's items, before bolting out the door as the clock finally hit 12 o'clock. Masha was left in the store, shaking her head as she knew the girl had a crush on a certain fast food worker.

Luz was nervous for the lunch rush, it was always so chaotic and lots of orders get messed up, and she would take the heat for it as the cashier. The one thing that made it worth it was the pretty purple haired girl that came everyday at the same time, to get the same thing. Soon, the girl showed up, ordering a Mama burger, chicken fingers, and medium fries.

Luz slowly noticed that she got the same order everyday, and had it prepared for her before she got there today. As she walked up to the register, Luz handed her the bag and said, "Here ya go, chica."

Amity didnt even have the time to register what she said before she slammed 30 dollars on the counter and left. Sure, she liked the girl, but talking to her was terrifying, so she only had tiny interactions with Luz. As she walked back upstairs to the Hot Topic where she worked, she finally had a chance to think about what Luz said, and it made her face heat up.

Masha smirked as she saw the look on Amity's face when she walked back into the store, and decided to tease her about it a bit. "So, did you see her?"

"Yeah, she even had the order ready before I got there! Isn't that cute?" Amity set the bag of food down on a table in the break room, handing Masha her burger. She continued to rant to them about how cute she thought Luz was for her whole break.


Willow stood behind the counter, bored and missing her friend from upstairs, Gus. She was just about to text him if he wanted to hang out after their shifts when a certain pink haired bully walked into the store.

"Hey loser, still selling shitty candles?" Boscha walked up to the counter with her hands in her pockets, smirking as she teased Willow about her job. It's not like she was forced to work there, she liked it, so she didn't understand why Boscha felt the need to complain and bug her about it all the time, other than to just be a bitch.

"What do you want, Boscha?" Willow asked as she stood up straighter to face her. Her face was blank, and annoyed as Boscha went on and on about how much better her job was than Willows. Eventually, Boscha stoped talking and looked like she was expecting an answer to a question, but Willow had tuned her out, and had no clue what she had asked, so she just sighed and said in the most customer service voice ever, "Are you going to be purchasing anything today?"

Boscha looked upset that she couldn't crack Willow, and she just stormed out of the store angrily, allowing Willow to tend to the other customers in the line. As soon as she was done scanning every persons items, she messaged Gus to see if he could hang out after their shifts.


Gus was chatting with Matt when he felt his phone buzz in his back pocket, and pulled it out. He read the text from Willow as Matt went to help a customer find a certain album. He oddly smiled as he messaged back that he couldn't 'cause of his plans with Matt after work. He was just hoping she wouldn't make it a big deal, since the two boys were only friends. Although, Matt did tease and 'bully' Gus every so often, they both knew it was just as friends.

Matt walked back up to him, since he was done helping the shopper. "What're you smiling at?" He punched Gus' shoulder lightly, teasing the other boy. "Nothing, just a text from Willow" Matts face fell just a bit, wondering if he'd rather hang out with the girl than him.

"She wanted to see if I could hang out, but I told her I had plans with you" Gus explained happily, making Matt less jealous of Willow. He knew that Gus and Willow were best friends, but he was still a little jealous of their close friendship, and that nothing could push them apart. He smiled and continued on with his work until the end of the day.


Vee was helping a young girl try on shoes while the girls mother went to find more to try. She slipped the small shoe onto her foot carefully, then doing up the velcro on top. "Hows that feel? Can you try walking around for me, and tell me if you like it?" Vee smiled at the tiny girl, helping her off the bench. She watched as the young girl walked around awkwardly for a bit, before walking back to her, and nodded. Just then, the girls mother came back.

"Does she like them?" She asked the teen, as Vee nodded softly. The mom smiled and went to help her child while Vee went around to help any other people in the store. She went up to the front door, seeing Masha walk in. "What are you doing here, don't you have work?" Vee asked the older, confused.

"Yeah, but I'm on break, don't worry!" They smiled at the concerned girl, watching her face shift to a small smile. Vee walked up to the taller, "Well, you know you cant just follow me around. I have customers to help, and I know you're not gonna buy anything..."

Masha awkwardly grabbed some shoe laces from a shelf and spoke. "Actually, I'm getting these!..." Vee choked back a laugh as she saw what they had grabbed. They were bright blue shoe laces, that didn't match their style at all. Masha sighed and put them back. "Okay, you got me, I just wanted to see you"

"But you know I'm working, we can chat after my shift?" Vee offered to them, knowing just how much they wanted to hang out. "And maybe we can invite the others?" She smiled brightly, mentioning Mashas other friends. Vee hadn't seen them all in a while. Masha smiled back and said, "Sure thing, now I gotta get back to my work" They then walked out the door and back over to the Hot Topic next door.


sorry that this took forever to get out, but what do yall think?
im really excited to be doing this, and i really hope you all love it!


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