Chapter 2

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The outrider, who introduced herself as Amber, happily agreed and led him outside of the forest and towards the castle in the moat. Slowly, she started to relax around his presence due to a bit of sweet talking from the Koopa combined with her impressively carefree nature.

Bowser was full with anticipation for what is to come, yet as he passed through the wilderness of this kingdom, he began to feel concerned. This nation had their creatures, yet none felt like they quite belonged in the world Bowser inhabited his whole life. Elemental slimes with complex patterns, the so-called Hilichurls that were strikingly humanoid yet feral, a floating orb of wind, alive yet faceless; it was nothing like he had seen before.

The structure of the land itself was also puzzling. It consisted of large hills and open fields with little to no bricks or power blocks — No, there were literally none. There were structures, but no pipes. No piranha plants or warp zones. Though there were these giant doors, which Amber said are called domains. It seemed to be an entrance to a bonus stage or sub-level, though when she let him peek into one of them, its level design was vastly different to the ones he's used to. A lot more combat. Barely any platforming.

This kingdom — This world — it's not the same as his.

So how was he supposed to escape and return home when warp pipes don't even seem to exist? How long would he be here? How long until his useless Koopas and Goombas could no longer protect his kingdom?

How long until the princess forgets him? Will Jr. be safe?

He lowered his head and harshly squinted, shaking his head. Bowser must stay focused despite his increasing worries. He will not let himself show any vulnerability in the presence of humans, or anyone really, it wouldn't be proper for the King Koopa. And besides, it’s dangerous to jump to assumptions when he’s only been here for what must barely be an hour.

For now, his main task is to follow along and observe.

"We're here!" Amber stopped prancing and waved. "Mondstadt welcomes you!"

A sizable, stone bridge connected the grassy fields to the human kingdom. It was a main land that was smaller than the Mushroom Kingdom's or his own, but way more packed and modern; as expected of human technology. The city was surrounded with tall stone walls — another layer of protection to accompany the water moat. And within were... humans. Many of them. Bowser could hear the marching of knights, the laughter of children, transactions being done between customers and vendors, and the gossiping of teens. He had the knowledge that this was a human habitat, but actually seeing it with his eyes — Seeing humanity and the sheer power right in front of him — it was a sight to behold. A tempting sight.

This was even better than Brooklyn.

Amber put her hands on her hips, brimming with joy. "It's great isn't it?"

He cleared his throat. "My kingdom's bigger."

Had to keep her humble.

Amber briefly frowned, but her expression soon lit up again, if a bit ingenuine.

"I bet it is, Hilichurls are spread all across Teyvat after all. They must have a big home too!" Amber half grinned. "But, ah, i hope you can make do with what we have."

"Hmm, we'll see." Bowser challenged, and walked past Amber across the bridge.

His booming stomps scrambled the pigeons feeding on the path, flying away in an uncoordinated pattern. Amber followed swiftly and returned in front of him, leading the path. Two knights were guarding the gate, and they were relaxed and unalert until they realized the presence of an unwanted guest.

The Nation of Wind, Freedom, and Tortoises [Genshin x Bowser] [Bowjean <3🐢🌼]Where stories live. Discover now