Chapter 6

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There was still some time left in the day, so he took up Amber’s offer. He may not be able to “read about it” just yet, but he hoped that he could get some guidance from the librarian, or at least some sort of history lesson.

You know, to strategize. Not like he was interested in the deep, rich culture of Mondstadt. How lame that sounds.

He walked past a wary guard and easily entered the library. The knights expanded not just the entrance to the Grandmaster’s office, but the entire building’s doors. They really thought one step ahead about aiding his invasion — how kind.

The facility was rather cozy. Bookshelves covered the room head to toe, the walls might as well have books for bricks. The area he entered was a sort of balcony, and there were staircases leading downstairs to a wider, more relaxed area with tables and couches. Despite seeming like the perfect place for a rest at this time of day, the library was oddly empty. There were only a few humans left, packing up their belongings and preparing to leave. Perhaps they heard about his arrival, and didn’t want to be in the same room as a monster.

As people exit, a woman rose from the reference desk. Must be the librarian.

“Sorry dear, I'm closing the library early. I need a nap.” She informed him with closed eyes, yawning politely into her hand. “There’s no one else to take my place today and I spent all night reading up on- oh.”

He’s come to predict this copy-paste reaction.

“You…” A lazy, gloved finger pointed at him. “Must be the guest Jean talked about.”

She said, her voice rather… sultry? He doesn't have a nicer word to put it, sing-song? That at least, was the ambiance. It slightly unsettled Bowser.

“That would be me.” He confirmed with caution.

She giggled, the “huhuhu” kind. “My, with the way she described you, i didn’t expect you to be such a cutie~”


Oh, dear goodness no she’s one of those types. The siren. The seducer. Whatever was the typical dangerous woman class. 

“Mhmm.” She innocently hummed. “Like that adorable, chubby muzzle, those dainty little horns, and that big, huggable form. Hmmm, the knights must be such softies to be so afraid of you.”




She's a master of deception!

“Never have I once heard such bullshittery! Cease the lies!” Bowser roared. He bloomed and raised his arms in protest, attempting to appear more intimidating, or as intimidating as he once thought he was before this embarrassment.

“Oh dear, such insecurity is very unhealthy.” She clicked her tongue and shook her head. “Don't worry. Here's a little secret, I was also like you once, but then I realized how hot I am and life got so much better.”

“This isn't about that!” He groaned and stomped, his claws clenching hard into a fist. He must resist the urge to incinerate this… witch. Especially if she could possibly have relations with Jean, she surely will-

Wait, what exactly did Jean say about him?

“Please keep your voice down at the library.” She softly warned with a shit-eating smirk.

Bowser growled, grimacing with fury. His face was red hot with what he couldn’t identify as rage, shame, a fireball stuck in his throat, or… flattery. He shivered at the thought — He'd rather cause a second renovation.

The Nation of Wind, Freedom, and Tortoises [Genshin x Bowser] [Bowjean <3🐢🌼]Where stories live. Discover now