Chapter 11

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(note: here is where the worldbuilding changes really start)

That morning, Bowser felt the most well rested he's ever been in the past few days regardless of the books that kept him up all night. The idol's healing powers must really be exceptional, he could've drifted off to sleep on the cold floor with how soothed and heavy he felt. Even better, the bruise on his cheek was already gone.

Thank goodness.

Today's the day those vision bearers will hunt for an exit. Hopefully these more qualified individuals would bring success or anything new on the table. These vision bearers, as still human as they are, had a noticeably unique presence compared to common folk. Just by the way they dressed, their personalities, and their importance — it felt different. Heck, it's telling by how so far, the majority he has met weren't old enough to drive a go-kart. They must truly be something special to gain the approval of the Archons.

After grabbing a meat skewer at Good Hunter's, he was first to arrive at the city's entrance gate. His timeliness was intentional. He felt that he needed to take a bit of a breather, all alone with all the legroom he could ask for. One thing this region definitely has over his own was definitely the refreshing, cold breeze. His Kingdom, one of toxic fumes and hot lava, really leaves quite the stiffing atmosphere. He should take advantage of this moment, especially when filtered from the stench of alcohol.

Jean arrived first as expected, giving him a small wave. She brought along with her a Geo vision bearer.

“My name is Noelle, a maid for the Knights of Favonius.” She introduced herself.

A small girl, he suspected yet another teen, but unlike the boy down on his luck and the girl playing a fantasy, he knew that she was not to be underestimated. She equipped a set of hefty armor, one more suited for a knight than a maid whose job is to clean up tea stains and sweep the office floor. He could also tell from her broad figure that she was hiding an impressive build. She's definitely in the wrong job.

Next came Bennett and Fischl, who were very eager to see him again. Soon followed by Barbara — who wasn't. She completely ignored his presence and went straight to the other teens.

Fair enough.

But he couldn't help but notice that she didn't even arrive with her sister nor felt the need to talk to her outside of a short greeting… That's a story he'll have to decypher.

And lastly, came someone who just about pushed Bowser over the edge regarding Mondstadt's despicable laws.

“I'm Diona, Bartender of the Cat's Tail!”

The tiny, small toddler raised her paw-gloved hand up for a handshake. Her calico cat ears perked forward curiously under the weight of her giant hat, and her long tail swayed rhythmically from left to right, the sound of a little cat bell ringing with each sway.

Bowser stared at her like an ice cream cone that was dropped on the ground.

“Are we building an investigation team or babysitting?!”

He turned to Jean and scowled, nearly ripping his own mane out.

Jean recoiled in surprise, appearing visibly flustered. “I can assure you that the youth of Mondstadt are very capable.”

“That girl is twelve cat years old!” He aggressively gestured towards Diona. “And capable? It isn't good that she's capable of brewing booze!”

“Hey!” The calico objected. “It wasn't my choice! My-”

“Not your choice?!” Bowser cried, nearly fainting as his shell suddenly felt so heavy. The poor thing!

The Nation of Wind, Freedom, and Tortoises [Genshin x Bowser] [Bowjean <3🐢🌼]Where stories live. Discover now