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Jade stood in front of her full-length mirror, critically examining her reflection. She ran a hand through her short silver hair, styled meticulously to frame the almost perfectly angles of her face. Her brown skin glowed, a testament to her diligent skincare routine. Jade was known for her fierce presence in the ring, but today, she wanted to look her best for a different reason. She was going to Bianca's house to practice.

Her outfit was a mix of comfort and style: black leggings that hugged her muscular legs and a fitted tank top that showed off her toned arms and abs. Over it, she wore a light hoodie, just in case the evening turned cooler. She had spent extra time choosing this ensemble, wanting to strike the perfect balance between casual and put-together. She combed through her hair to make sure every strand was in place.

Jade turned slightly, inspecting her reflection in the mirror. She had always taken immense pride in her appearance, a trait that predated her WWE career. She made it a priority to meticulously care for every aspect of herself, from her skin to her physique to her energy, ensuring she always presented her best self.

As she applied the finishing touches to her makeup, Jade found her thoughts drifting to Bianca. She remembered the way Bianca had moved in the ring,her skills and charisma were undeniable. The way their eyes would lock and they fell into an almost instant sync, seamlessly anticipating each other's moves while still being amazed by the near-perfect executions. The intense energy she felt standing next to her in their victory as the stadium lights illuminated on them was exhilarating.

Jade shook her head, trying to focus on the task at hand, but her mind kept wandering back to Bianca. There was something about her that was captivating. Jade had always been drawn to strength and confidence, and Bianca embodied both. But was there more to it? Was she actually attracted to her tag team partner?

The thought made Jade pause. She had never considered the possibility before. Her life had always been about wrestling, about pushing herself to be the best. But now, standing in front of the mirror, she couldn't deny the flutter of excitement she felt at the chance of spending time with Bianca outside the ring.

"Get it together, Jade," she muttered to herself. "This is just practice."

As she adjusted her top one last time and grabbed her bag, she took a deep breath and gave herself one final once-over in the mirror. Satisfied, she grabbed her keys and headed out the door, her mind racing with anticipation for what the evening might hold.


Bianca was a whirlwind of activity, rushing around her house as she prepared for Jade's arrival. Her home gym was spotless, with state-of-the-art equipment and a small wrestling ring in the corner. She made sure everything was in order, wanting to make a good impression.

Bianca's mind drifted back to the previous night's match. The way Jade had moved in the ring, her powerful presence and impressive physique, was still fresh in her memory. Jade was taller, her aura radiating with the same confidence that Bianca admired. Her signature color, that not too many could pull off, added an edge to her look, making her stand out even more. Bianca couldn't help but think about how stunning Jade looked, both in and out of the ring.

As Bianca straightened the weights and adjusted the mats, she thought about her own journey. From her early days in NXT to dominating the women's division on SmackDown, she had come a long way. Her large gym was a symbol of her hard work and unwavering focus, a space where she could hone her skills and stay at the top of her game. She was thankful for the opportunities she had been given and proud of her accomplishments.

But tonight, her thoughts kept circling back to Jade. There was something about her that Bianca found incredibly attractive. She knew it wasn't just Jade's physical appearance, though that was undeniably impressive. It was also her strength, her confidence, and the way she carried herself. Bianca found herself wondering what it would be like to be with Jade, to explore the chemistry that seemed to simmer just below the surface.

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