Beach Day

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It was Saturday morning, and Bianca was getting ready to hit the beach

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It was Saturday morning, and Bianca was getting ready to hit the beach. Naomi had invited her to a fun day out with some of the other WWE divas. The sun was shining, and the air was filled with the promise of a relaxing day by the ocean.

Bianca smiled as she thought of Naomi, her longest friend at the WWE. At one point, it had been just the two of them holding it down as the only female wrestlers of color. That was until Jade came along. Her smile faded, replaced by a wave of nervousness and butterflies as she thought of Jade.

She knew Jade was going to the beach day, and she wasn't sure if she was excited or scared. The other day during practice, she had felt something, and she knew Jade had felt it too. Especially when Jade had tried to kiss her. It wasn't that she didn't want the kiss to happen; she had just been so nervous. Jade Cargill was an absolute stunner and an even better wrestler, but could she be more than that?

Bianca was shaken out of her thoughts by the sound of her phone ringing. It was Naomi.

"Hey, girl! Where you at?" Naomi's cheerful voice came through the line. "Some of the girls are already here. And your new boo Jade is here too."

Bianca's heartbeat quickend at the mention of Jade, though she knew Naomi was teasing about them being tag team partners. "You know Bianca Belair is always fashionably late," she said with a playful laugh. "But I'll be there soon."

"Hurry up, we're waiting for you!" Naomi said, laughing. "See you soon."

They hung up, and Bianca looked at her outfit in the mirror. She was wearing a fashionably tattered blue jean bikini top and blue jean shorts. Thinking about who was already at the beach, she decided to add a bit more gloss to her lips.

She took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. Today was going to be interesting, to say the least. With one last look in the mirror, she grabbed her bag and headed out the door

Jade looked around their section of the beach and was honestly impressed

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Jade looked around their section of the beach and was honestly impressed. Naomi had outdone herself. As a girl who loved a good club and section, Jade could say this was executed perfectly. They had their own private beach access, plenty of food and drinks, including seafood towers, pasta, beer, wine, champagne, and even a DJ. The decorations were out of this world, with tables adorned with pretty flowers that would make any woman feel special. Jade made a mental note that if she ever needed planning services, Naomi was the one to call.

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