The Gym

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It was the next morning, and Jade was stretching in front of a full-length mirror at her favorite gym, waiting for Bianca to join her for a quick session

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It was the next morning, and Jade was stretching in front of a full-length mirror at her favorite gym, waiting for Bianca to join her for a quick session. The gym was a haven for Jade, a place where she could push her limits and find peace in the rhythm of her workouts. The spacious room was filled with top-of-the-line equipment, mirrors lining the walls to reflect the effort and dedication of its patrons. The air was filled with the faint scent of rubber and disinfectant, a familiar and comforting combination for Jade.

As Jade stretched, she found herself deep in thought about her situation with Bianca. She knew it was way too soon to be falling for anyoneâ€"her dreams had just come true. She had only just signed with WWE, plus Bianca was her partner. If things went south between them, it could be disastrous for her career growth. Her mind was telling her to cool it, but she wanted Bianca, plain and simple. She felt truly seen with Bianca. Bianca didn't look at her like anyone else; she could tell Bianca saw the real her. And when they were together, it was like two magnets drawn to each other. Who was she to deny this undeniable force? She was no longer going to hide her attraction and wasn't going to fumble and watch Bianca fall into the arms of someone else.

This is why she had to put her plan in motion today.

Jade chuckled as she thought of how she convinced Bianca to work out with her so early this morning after drinking the entirety of the day, yesterday. She remembered Bianca's initial protests but also the way her face softened when Jade said she needed help with a move before her next appearance. Ever the caring mentor, Bianca had smiled and agreed to help.

Jade was determined to make sure Bianca wasn't going on that date. She wasn't entirely sure how she was going to stop it, but she was committed. Lost in her thoughts, Jade continued to stretch, moving through various poses. She bent forward, touching her toes, then moved into a side lunge, feeling the stretch in her thighs and hips. She rotated her torso, stretching her arms to loosen her back and shoulders. Each movement was deliberate, a way to both prepare for the workout and to calm her racing mind.

She was so caught up in her plan to win Bianca's heart that she didn't notice the person creeping up on her until they tapped on her shoulder. Jade jumped at the contact, tripping over herself.

"Oh my God! Jade, are you okay?" Bianca's voice was filled with concern. Jade looked up to see her partner's face, a look of horror etched across it. Jade thought it was cute. She was about to tell Bianca she was fine, but then a brilliant idea struck her.

"Ahh," Jade started, feigning hurt and rubbing her knee. Bianca looked mortified at the thought of having scared her and even more horrified at the thought of hurting her. She dropped her bag and water bottle, rushing to Jade's aid. Jade felt a pang of guilt for lying but justified it with the thought, "All's fair in love and war."

"Can you move your knee? How bad does it hurt?" Bianca asked, going into full caring mode. Jade took a moment to admire her. Bianca was wearing an orange Nike set that looked stunning on her. It was much more flattering to her shape than their wrestling gear. Jade watched as Bianca's brows furrowed in concern, feeling her heart skip a beat.

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