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As the new day dawned, I woke up filled with a renewed sense of determination. I was resolved to keep my mind focused on work and refrain from dwelling on thoughts of Ishaan. I quickly got ready and grabbed a quick breakfast. After dropping Aria I headed out to Kapoor Law, steeling myself for another long, hectic day. 

Upon entering the office, I was immediately engulfed by the fast-paced environment of the firm. My day involved attending meetings, observing client consultations, and helping manage the paperwork pile that seemed to grow with each passing hour. I was assisting on a particularly intricate case that required my full attention. Throughout the day, I helped in reviewing numerous legal documents, carefully going through the fine print to find details that could influence our client's case. I spent hours assisting in research of legal precedents and aiding in brainstorming strategies, my mind entirely consumed by the legal complexities of the case.

In between the meetings and the paperwork, I found myself in the company of my colleagues, engaging in thoughtful discussions about the case at hand. There were disagreements and differing opinions, but they all served to sharpen our case strategies, creating a dynamic and enriching work environment. As the hours rolled by, the office buzzed with activity. The constant ringing of phones, the hum of conversations, and the rhythmic tapping of keyboards created a symphony of sounds that were now familiar and comforting.

 Amidst this chaos, I found my rhythm, navigating the demands of the workday with a focused determination. Despite the long hours and high-pressure environment, I found a strange satisfaction in the work. Each challenge surmounted and each task accomplished served to strengthen my resolve and deepen my passion for the legal profession.

As the day came to a close, I found myself exhausted but fulfilled. I had managed to keep my mind off Ishaan, immersing myself in the demands of my job. As I packed up my things and switched off my desk lamp, I was hit with a wave of fatigue. The long day had finally caught up with me, and I longed for the comfort of my bed. Despite the exhaustion, I felt a sense of accomplishment. 

Today, I had faced the day head-on, successfully keeping my personal feelings at bay while excelling at work. As I left the office, I realized that this was my coping mechanism, my way of dealing with the past was by immersing myself in the present.

As we headed home after our shift, discussion of our day and all the gossip from work filled the car. Once we arrived, I quickly changed into my comfortable loungewear and settled into the living room, waiting for Aria to join me.   Meanwhile, Aria had ventured into my room, on a mission to find the blue sweater she had lent me a few weeks ago.

 In her search, she began rummaging through my closet, her eyes scanning the mess of books, clothes, and miscellaneous items. "UGH ANYA why don't you ever organize your closet" she groaned. 


Among the mess of belongings, a worn-out leather-bound book caught her attention.  Curiosity piqued, she pulled it out and opened it, revealing neat lines of handwritten text. As she read the first few lines, realization dawned on her. This was a book anya had written, the hidden testament of anya's thoughts and feelings, a part of her that she had chosen to keep hidden. As she leafed through the pages, she was drawn into the world anya had created, into the depths of her thoughts and feelings.


Aria was engrossed in the book she had discovered in my room when I walked in. "Aria, what are you doing?" I asked, surprised.

 She looked up, her expression a mix of amazement and curiosity. "Anya, this is amazing. Why didn't you tell me you wrote this?" She held up the book, her eyes wide with disbelief. 

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